clay soil - Fine Gardening

  • Fendlera rupicola blooms through Yucca baccata

    Showy Native Plants for Rocky Soils

    The Rocky Mountain Region is stretched over 10,000 feet in elevation change and nearly over the full longitude of the Continental United States. Within this massive spread fit more than…

  • clay soil

    Healthy Soil Is at the Heart of a Thriving Garden  

    Soil is a complex structure made up of mineral solids and organic matter interwoven with aggregates and open pore spaces. The open spaces between soil particles are just as important…

  • perennials for clay soil

    Three Perennials That Can Grow in Clay Soil

    Soil composition plays a critical role in the success of any garden. Plants respond to a variety of factors, with soil structure being one of the most important. Few of…

  • rain garden

    Drainage Solutions for Heavy Clay Soil

    I recently renovated my courtyard, carefully double digging the clay soil and adding plenty of organic matter. When heavy spring rains arrived, I discovered I had created a giant bathtub.…

  • Clay soil

    Amending Clay Soils

    While soils vary considerably across the United States, many gardeners are faced with the challenge of growing plants in heavy clay soil. This may be due to the natural composition…

  • Jack Frost brunnera

    Clay Soil? No Problem!

    Soil is a complex mix of organic materials, mineral particles, living organisms, moisture, and chemical nutrients. Its texture and ability to support plant growth depends on the size of its…

  • Article

    Listen to Your Garden

    Today’s photos come from Marilyn Brackney. She has a wonderful garden and a beautiful, musical way of describing her plants. She’s been gardening about 20 years. Her Indiana garden has…

  • Article

    From Clay to Lilies

    Loree House shared this beautiful garden, and her key to transforming the difficult clay soil she started with: I live in Ozark, Mo., and have been here working diligently in…

  • planting in wet shade

    Solutions for Wet, Shady Sites

    Turn obstacles into advantages in damp garden areas

  • Design

    Moss Makes a Lush Carpet

    This easy-to-tend ground cover forms the foundation of a sculpted woodland retreat