ajuga - Fine Gardening
A Ground Cover With Color All Year Long
At the mention of ground covers, most gardeners immediately think of periwinkle (Vinca minor*, Zones 4–8), Japanese pachysandra (Pachysandra procumbens, Zones 5–9), or lilyturf (Liriope muscari and cvs., Zones 5–9).…
Shade Perennials for Weed Suppression
Pulling weeds usually isn’t at the top of the list of anyone’s favorite things to do, so why not utilize nature to prevent those weeds from growing in the first…
A Garden That Works With Nature Instead of Fighting It
Today we’re visiting Anne’s garden on the outskirts of Ottawa, Ontario. Our garden is a happy mix of cultivated and naturalized plants situated on alvarlike terrain in a rural development…
A Secret Garden Behind the Hedge
Welcome to Judy Boyle’s garden! Hemlocks (Tsuga canadensis, Zones 3–7), Leyland cypress (× Cupressocyparis leylandii, Zones 6–10), and green giants (Thuja ‘Green Giant’, Zones 5–8) create a privacy border for the…
Hostas and More for Shade
Welcome to Cherie Walda’s shade garden. My husband and I live in Fort Wayne, Indiana. We moved here in 1987 to an acre of land with maple, pine, ash, and…