10 to 15 feet - Fine Gardening
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Dodecatheon meadiaThe delicate nodding blooms of white-to-pink petals seem to fly upward and away from the pointed red and yellow flower center, resembling a shooting star.
Plant Guide
Red osier dogwood
Cornus stoloniferaRed osier dogwood is a deciduous shrub with a rounded, spreading form.
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Tea-oil camellia
Camellia oleiferaThis small tree from China can reach a little over 20 feet tall and about half as wide.
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Redvein enkianthus
Enkianthus campanulatusThis tree-like shrub bears pendent clusters of bell-shaped, creamy-white flowers with rose veins in late spring and early summer.
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Kolkwitzia amabilisDeciduous, suckering shrub bearing a profusion of bell-shaped flowers, pale to deep pink with a yellow throat, in late spring and early summer.
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Montgomery palm
Veitchia montgomeryanaThis tropical palm grows to 35 feet tall and has stiff, feathery-textured fronds.
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Royal azalea
Rhododendron schlippenbachiiRoyal azalea has large, fragrant pink blooms in spring.
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Common witch hazel
Hamamelis virginiana
The native common witch hazel is an understory plant that becomes leggy if it has to reach for light, but in the open, it develops into a graceful, spreading shrub…
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‘Black Knight’ butterfly bush
Buddleia davidii ‘Black Knight’Butterfly bushes are carefree deciduous shrubs that are reliably fragrant and easy to grow.
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Franklin tree
Franklinia alatamahaDiscovered in the wild along Georgia's Altamaha River in 1765 by botanists John and William Bartram, this beautiful landscape tree is considered extinct in the wild.