This dwarf rose grows to only 18 inches tall, and covers itself all season long with large clusters of lightly scented vibrant pink flowers.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsPolyanthas are celebrated for their profuse clusters of flowers that are produced in waves from late spring or early summer until fall. They are compact and disease-resistant, making them ideal for borders or hedges, and for growing en masse as a groundcover.
CareGrow in fertile, moist, well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade. Provide good air circulation and remove fallen leaves to help prevent disease. The stems and sideshoots of dwarf and miniature shrubs should be pruned by 2/3. To renovate, prune one in three stems close to the base.
PropagationTake softwood cuttings when bloom initiates in spring to summer; take hardwood cuttings in fall.
ProblemsAphids, leafhoppers, spider mites, scale, caterpillars, sawfly larvae, cane borers, Japanese beetles, rose stem girders, rose midges, rose slugs, rose chafers, leaf-cutting bees, black spot, rust, powdery mildew, crown gall, canker, dieback, downy mildew, viruses.
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- Genus : Rosa
- Plant Height : 1 to 3 feet
- Plant Width : 1 to 3 feet
- Zones : 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
- Bloom Time : Fall, Late Spring, Spring, Summer
- Light : Full Sun to Partial Shade
- Uses : Ground Covers
- Moisture : Medium Moisture
- Maintenance : Moderate
- Growth Rate : Moderate
- Flower Color : Pink
- Characteristics : Showy Fruit
- Plant Type : Shrubs
- Plant Seasonal Interest : Spring Interest
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