These annuals in 40 or so species are closely related to delphiniums, and are sometimes included in that genus. They have soft, feathery foliage and spires of pink, blue, or white flowers in summer. Grow in a cottage garden, cut flower garden, or border. Some self-seed freely.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsFerny foliage and delphinium-like flowers. Flowers are good cut and dried. Seeds are poisonous.
CareGrow in full sun and light, well-drained, fertile soil. Deadhead regularly and provide support if necessary. Be sure to water during dry spells.
PropagationSow seeds where they are to grow in the garden from early spring to early summer. They may also be planted in fall in warmer areas if protection is provided.
ProblemsSlugs, snails, powdery mildew, crown rot.