The ten or so Cerinthe species of annuals, biennials, and perennials have an unusual presence in the garden. Foliage is usually bluish green or grayish, and leathery. The clusters of tubular, 5-lobed flowers are intriguing and often enclosed, at least partially, by their bracts. Grow honeywort in a border. It will likely be welcome wherever it self-sows.
Noteworthy CharacteristicsLeaves are often blue-tinted or oily looking. Tubular flowers can be almost metallic looking shades of blue or purple. Bees love the nectar-rich flowers.
CareGrow in light, well-drained, humusy soil and full sun or part shade. Deadhead regularly. Plants do not like winter moisture.
PropagationBoth annuals and perennials can be started from seed. Perennials can also be propagated using basal cuttings or by division.