Gardening Answers

Witchazel problem

nakmt | Posted in Midwest Gardening on

I have an Arnold Promise witchazel that for the last several years has had all the leaves get brown and crunchy as soon as it leafs out. I tried an antifungal soil drench. I did have a few blossoms this Spring. I believe this started when some rabbits found the bark quite tasty and perhaps weakened the tree. I now create a barrier in winter to keep them out. Should I spray with a fungicide just when the leaves are developing? I really like this tree and would like to save it. I don’t over mulch and clean up around it in the fall. I even replaced some of the surrounding soil. Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated. Thank you.


  1. User avater Moderator
    mdwyer | | #1

    'Arnold Promise' witchhazel is a beautiful plant and I'm sorry to hear about the browning of the foliage. It's tough to say exactly might be the problem although you may want to consider getting a sample to your local Extension lab (if they provide diagnostic services). There is a witch hazel blight (see which could be negated by specific fungicide applications but again, if this is a perpetual issue in spring, get a diagnosis so you can target the culprit and retain your plant.

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