Gardening Answers

Winter is coming, Rest, Recharge, Reboot

Plantswoman | Posted in Pacific Northwest Gardening on

Many Gardeners breathe a sigh of relief when the weather finally turns cold, the rains start and the first frost has come and gone.   We all get a bit frantic during summer and fall dragging hoses, cutting back overgrown perennials, and raking leaves off paths.  Do you look forward to the down time?   Are you resting and feeling restored from the gardening you did most of the year?  Or .. Are you buying bulbs, seeds, and bargain plants from the sales table?      Maybe planning bigger hardscape projects for next year or an expansion of a bed?     Me, a little of both, the gardening magazines and books stacked on the library table are mixed with seed and bulb catalogs. 
I think about the plants waiting for planting, but search online sources for more.   What about you?

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