Gardening Answers

Winter Annuals

Dan_Southwest | Posted in Southwest Gardening on

What winter annual flowers do best in your region? What are your tips to getting then off to a good start?


  1. User avater Moderator
    Dan_Southwest | | #1

    In Tucson the favorites seem to be snapdragons and petunias. A nice display can be impressive, and in a "wet" winter they can get by with minimal watering outside of natural precipitation. In my neighborhood one home kept a container of hot pink petunias going year 'round for almost 3 years. Snapdragons can be kept blooming well into May if deadheaded routinely.

  2. User avater Moderator
    Dan_Southwest | | #2

    Your winter gardens must be thriving with recent rains. Tell/show us what's thriving in your world these days.

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