Gardening Answers

Cool Colors in a Hot Garden

Dan_Southwest | Posted in Southwest Gardening on

I love the hot colors that thrive in Southwest gardens, like bougainvillea and bird of paradise shrub. But sometimes you need a little respite from that sense of pervasive heat. Maybe the sound of a small fountain, or a well-shaded bench in a corner of the garden. Cool colors help, too. What plants do you turn to to help create a “cooler” oasis?
Two indispensible plants for me:
Eremophila hygrophana, Australian Blue Bells, with its modest size, silver leaves and cool lavender flowers from spring until mid-winter.
Leucophyllum, Texas Ranger, assorted species and cultivars, similar to above in many shades of blue/purple, and in many sizes. Blooms appear in response to monsoon rains, and though their colors are vibrant, they still occupy the cooler end of the spectrum during the hottest season.

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