Gardening Answers

Trying to be good

Chloe_Moderator | Posted in Northeast Gardening on

I am really trying to be good. So far this year, I haven’t purchased a single seed pack. Not a one. Ok, I did order some perennial seed back in October, but considering the past severity of my seed addiction, I’m feeling pretty virtuous. Plus, that was last year.
So. Corrupt me. What are your must have seeds? Varieties you always grow?


  1. michymoo | | #1

    Lol, I've bought an absolutely absurd amount of seed packets (and plants) since October or so, so I'll happily help corrupt you. I'm more of a perennial seed starter vs veg, but my go-to is Agastache foeniculum. It's such a pretty - and fun - plant, and grows happily in my yard: they're often taller than I am. Shrubby St. John's wort and columbines are reliable standbys, too!

    Also, I've got a couple outdoor seed beds overwintering currently, and a whole pile in my fridge waiting for the basement grow lights, and a database keeping everything sorted. Really excited about the Asclepias tuberosa I'm trying for the first time!

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      Chloe_Moderator | | #2

      Oh boy. You've got my number. I also like to do perennials from seed. Have you checked out Plant World Seeds? Seriously evil for perennial seed starting addictions (they have an incredible columbine selection).
      I admire your database! Spreadsheet?
      A. tuberosa comes easy from seed, but I've found that sometimes the plants don't take. it's hit or miss for me, though I have ideal conditions for it. The ones that take, though, really take and they self sow generously.

  2. michymoo | | #3

    Hah, yay! Oooh, I haven't heard of Plant World Seeds, I will definitely check this out, thanks. I'm a big fan of Wild Seed Project from Maine, Prairie Moon and Hudson Valley Seed, which is local to me - that's where I purchase the anise hyssop that works so well in my gardens.

    Hmm, maybe database? Several spreadsheets, for sure. I've got a Google Doc with 10 or so sheets that have all my plant information, with pics and care details, etc. Currently working with three sheets, re: existing/planned plant purchases, bed locations and what's going in each one. I love plants and I love organizing them.

    Good to know! Theoretically, it ought to be happy here? Every new seed is an experiment, so we'll see.

    (Sorry for the late reply; I was just on here reading about a panicle hydrangea trial from several years ago and realized you'd responded. Hadn't checked off the email notification box!)

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