Gardening Answers

All hail the 2024 hydrangea bloom!

Chloe_Moderator | Posted in Northeast Gardening on

While I dont grow hydrangea macrophylla myself, I have been enjoying this yearś exuberance as I drive around town and the happy chatter of my gardening friends, who have had some very disappointing results in years past due to late frosts and untimely prunings. How are yours? Are you having a banner year as well? I’d love to see pictures!


  1. User avater Moderator
    LSweeney_moderator | | #1

    I have been admiring these so much this year I am thinking about getting one!

    1. User avater Moderator
      Chloe_Moderator | | #2

      Me, too. They're irresistible!

  2. marlena | | #3

    After not flowering for many summers, this hydrangea bloomed this summer. I call this bed my box of crayons.

    1. User avater Moderator
      Chloe_Moderator | | #4

      Beautiful! I can see why that bed is the crayon box. Day lilies look to be having a good time this year as well!

    2. User avater Moderator
      marti_n_midwest_moderator | | #5

      Gorgeous color combo. I am jealous. I cannot get them to bloom reliably in Omaha, so I am giving up on them. Will stick to the paniculatas and arborescens, they will always produce bouquet after bouquet. -

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