Gardening Answers


Plantswoman | Posted in Pacific Northwest Gardening on

Plants are starting to peek up in the garden.  There is a bit of a hush as we wait for the big push of spring.  Now, believe it or not, is the time to practice some slug prevention moves.   Slug eggs lie close to the soil surface in small hollows, under leaves, under branches, and low-lying plants.  They are dormant just waiting for some warming ground to start the munching.   Now is the time to clean up any leaf litter from the winter and put it in the compost bin.  Moving downed logs or branches away from the beds will keep a good space between the garden beds and debris piles.  Pruning up parts of plants (think fern fronds) that touch the ground will also look better and take away hiding places.  If you use slug bait do it now.    Any other suggestions for getting a step ahead of slug attacks?   When do you usually see them in your garden?

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