Gardening Answers

Are you a collector?

Plantswoman | Posted in Pacific Northwest Gardening on

So… In the UK there are ‘National Collections’.   I’ve never found that in the US but I do know plenty of gardeners who should be on that list.  People who collect hellebores, bulbs, conifers, grasses, etc.  One of the people I follow on-line has 400 ferns and knows the difference between each one.   Galanthus is another one with many gardeners collecting 200 – 500 different cultivars.   I’m just a beginner at 82 snowdrops.   What excites you?  What do you collect?  Are you on the way to a national collection?


  1. lelia | | #1

    I'm not on the way to a national collection, no, but I do have about thirty Japanese maples in pots and sixteen in the ground. Unfortunately, I need to keep the tags on them or I forget their names.

    1. User avater Moderator
      Plantswoman | | #2

      I have to tag my things too. There are just too many to keep in my head. I also have a little map with notations on it to keep track in case some tags get lost. I love Japanese Maples

      1. lelia | | #4

        Map. What a nice idea. I wonder if I'll ever get organized enough to do such a smart thing.

        1. User avater Moderator
          Plantswoman | | #6

          Starting small is good. I just started drawing a small map area in my journal when I planted something with just a tree or shrub and a path for reference. It has gradually become more comprehensive. :)

  2. User avater Moderator
    marti_n_midwest_moderator | | #3

    I love Peonies. While I don't have the space for a large collection I have 8 different ones, several Intersectional varieties, each one a different color, with each bloom season represented. What I can't plant at home I plant in my clients' gardens. If only I had more land.

    1. User avater Moderator
      Plantswoman | | #7

      Humm. Maybe that is why I bought a house with 3 1/2 acres a couple of years ago. Slowly the lawn grass is disappearing. I usually tuck in at least one snowdrop in each client's garden. They are so excited the next spring when they see it for the first time.

  3. lelia | | #5

    Peonies are so beautiful. I've tucked five around my garden.

    1. User avater Moderator
      Plantswoman | | #8

      I love peonies too. I have several, my favorite is Paeonia mlokosewitschii (Molly the Witch Peony), my 'Holy Grail' of peonies.

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