Gardening Answers

Planting before a freeze

[email protected] | Posted in Pacific Northwest Gardening on

It’s supposed to drop below freezing tonight and I have pots in containers still.  When I put them out in a raised bed tomorrow, should I leave them in the plastic pots or take them out of the pots and put them directly in the soil in the raised bed for the winter?  All are in 1 quart pots:  some Japanese Maple seedlings, some shrubs, and some perennials ( Cape Fuchsia (Phygelius?) and Obedient plant .  Evergreen huckleberry and Abelia.


  1. User avater Moderator
    Plantswoman | | #1

    The best spot for these plants would be in the soil, out of the pots. Plant them firmly in the soil and water well while not freezing. Since they will not have good roots out into the soil I would also put some frost blanket around and over them. This actually will raise the temp of the air around the plant and soil up to 10 degrees more. All of these are hardy in the pots if not frozen but the raised bed is the best place.

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