Gardening Answers

How do your seedlings grow?

Chloe_Moderator | Posted in Northeast Gardening on

The peppers and eggplants are up and growing their little hearts out in the basement under lights! I’m hoping to start tomatoes and a few warm weather annuals in the next day or so, but meanwhile I took the cool weather annuals and vegetables out to continue hardening off (pictured). What do you have growing?


  1. snewman | | #1

    I am growing verbena bonariensis from seed (along with other perennials and annuals). The verbena is growing very slowly. Is this typical? Should I being doing something to speed it along?

    1. User avater
      Chloe_Moderator | | #2

      Do you have them under lights and are you fertilizing? I've never done bonariensis from seed, but with my seedlings generally, I give them a weak dose (about 1/4 strength) of balanced fertilizer every few days. Other than that, is it possible they need potting up? Could they have stalled because they're tight on root space? Also, that verbena will prefer conditions on the drier side, so maybe too moist?

    2. User avater
      LSweeney_moderator | | #3

      Hi There! In my experience verbena bonariensis can take a while to germinate and they also like to be on the warmer side

  2. snewman | | #4

    I was able to germinate them and all of a sudden they’re adding some some height. Thanks for your insights.

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