Gardening Answers

Hiding Flopping Daffodil Foliage

PlantHappy7 | Posted in Mid-Atlantic Gardening on

About five years ago, I planted over 100 daffodil bulbs along my front walkway. They are beautiful. I love them… that is until they slump over. What do you plant alongside daffodils to hide the slowly expiring foliage? I’ve tried planting catmint, but that hasn’t worked as well as I hoped. Thanks in advance.


  1. User avater Moderator
    LSweeney_moderator | | #1

    Unsightly daffodil foliage later in the season always makes me question if they are actually worth it when they bloom! Of course they are because they are so wonderful when they emerge in early spring after the winter, but dealing with the foliage will always be a problem for gardeners. I think you were on the right track with your catmint as the best solution seems to be to find some perennials that can come up and disguise the foliage as it dies back, but you might have to try a few things before you find what works for your garden and aesthetic. I have often seen daylilies used for this purpose, but you also might consider Shasta daisy, echinacea, rudbeckia, and Russian sage for a sunny area or hostas, ferns, or astilbe for a more shady site.

    1. PlantHappy7 | | #3

      I’ve tried echinacea as well… Russian sage might be a good option if they have some smaller varieties. Thanks for your feedback! 😃

  2. user-6932259 | | #2

    My most successful foliage cover has been verigated Solomon seal.. Works like a charm. But mainly I cut back the foliage when they are done. Seems to not hurt them. And may slow down their spread. Try it on some of the dafs and see how they do.

    1. User avater Moderator
      LSweeney_moderator | | #4

      Thanks for the suggestion!

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