Gardening Answers

Adventures with Vegetables

CAlexander | Posted in Midwest Gardening on

This is my first foray into serious vegetable gardening in decades.  I have been planting a few tomatoes and some herbs in a couple of large containers by my house for years, but the shade has increased to the point where that is not working any longer.  A client of mine with a large group of raised gardening beds was not going to plant this year, so I was allowed to plant as I pleased. 

Red and Yellow potatoes are the best when freshly dug by hand and roasted. Sugar Snap peas hand picked with your granddaughters and steamed are beyond yummy. I was amazed that every single Beet seed grew as did all the Basil seeds and Red Onion Sets.  It is amazing how many cucumbers are created by just 2 plants.  We are hunting through the leaves and picking them regularly, doing our best to pickle them and share.  The tomatoes have not even ripened, so the real work has yet to begin.  My goodness we have our work cut out for us, but the results are delicious, healthy, and easy on the wallet.

Are you doing any edible gardening this season?  Either in containers, dedicated garden beds or even mixed into the landscape.  If you are, what is doing well and what if any challenges are you having?


  1. User avater Moderator
    mdwyer | | #1

    I manage a 3 acre healing garden at a local healthcare facility and unfortunately we can't do well with edibles out in the garden due to the heavy deer population. However, we have a "safe", terraced area outside the hospital cafe' where we've been able to utilize rolling planters (see photo) and 300 gallon stock tank planters (see photo) in a "critter-free" area with close proximity to the cafe' kitchen! The fresh produce is used constantly from these instantly productive garden containers!

  2. User avater Moderator
    marti_n_midwest_moderator | | #2

    WOW, remarkable how much produce you are getting out of those containers. A great example of how one does not need a large plot of land to grow an ample supply of veggies.

    1. User avater Moderator
      mdwyer | | #3

      Marti, our chef in the hospital cafe' will have cucumber/tomato salad on the menu for the next month to be sure!

  3. User avater Moderator
    marti_n_midwest_moderator | | #4

    I just pulled out the last of our potato crop. I could have left them for another month but frankly I just wanted to move on with some fall veggies. When I finish cleaning up I will plant Beets for a late harvest.

    Who else is starting a late crop in the vegetable garden? This is my first attempt so we will see how it goes. I am looking forward to a lot of pickled beets and Borscht.

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