Tools and Equipment - Fine Gardening
Are Robotic Lawn Mowers Effective?
Automation is everywhere, promising to make our lives easier and more productive. When it comes to mowing our lawns, the traditional time-saver has been finding someone else to do the…
Tips for Upcycling Garden Trash into Useful Tools
Winning tip: Another life for old hose carts I had two rusted-out hose carts. I disassembled them and realized they could be repurposed. After I painted them with Rustoleum, I zip-tied…
Tips to Help You Squeeze More Out of Your Garden
Winning tip: Keep your hose from harming your delicate plants I find this works perfectly to prevent any injury or damage to my delicate plants when hauling hoses around the…
Garden Shoes to Keep You Going All Day Long
With a few thoughtful improvements, these are a step up from traditional rubber boots Tested by Matt Mattus The Men’s Harvester Tall Rubber Boots from Muck Boot Company are, first…
Cheap Garden Tools With Multiple Uses
These versatile tubs can haul anything from weeds to water Tested by Mark Dwyer The Gorilla Tubs from Red Gorilla are made of a thick rubberized plastic. They are high…
Time-Saving Garden Gadgets
Plant dozens of annuals in a snap with this drill and auger combo Tested by Marti Neely When planting en masse, I need more power than my favorite trowel or…
Novel Garden Tools to Get Excited About This Year
For at least 12,000 years, humans have been clearing brush, digging dirt, planting plants, cultivating, weeding, growing, and harvesting—in a word, gardening! And for almost as long, these same humans…
Reader Tips for Simplifying Early Spring Chores
Here’s the scoop on top-dressing I prefer to top-dress my flower beds while my perennials are napping safely underground, but I often find myself doing this while the plants are…
Essential Garden Tools for Spring
Prune effortlessly with these adjustable loppers A good pair of loppers can make spring pruning a breeze. However, most loppers seem to make even a strong person feel pathetically weak…
Essential Hand Tools for the Desert Gardener
Some people are particular about the garden tools they use. Others take it less seriously and are content with the cheapest things they can find. I’m somewhere in the middle.…