Garden Photo of the Day

Visitors in Linda’s garden in Texas

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Linda Kennedy

Today’s photos are from Linda Kennedy down in Dallas, Texas. If you’ll recall, we featured Linda’s mom’s garden last week. (Refresh your memory HERE.) 

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Linda Kennedy

Linda says, “Our back yard is bordered by old red tip photinia, which produce an enormous amount of berries every year. In the spring there are hundreds and hundreds of cedar wax wings and robins that migrate through at the same time and they devour the berries. They also LOVE my little bird bath, perhaps because it has fresh running water. It’s quite a site! Of course, all those birds, eating all those berries, can make quite a “colorful mess” on my car, deck, sidewalk, etc., but I don’t mind. It’s worth it!” That first photo stopped me in my tracks, Linda. Stunning! **Linda has promised more photos from her garden…..stay tuned!**

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Linda Kennedy
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Linda Kennedy
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Linda Kennedy
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Linda Kennedy

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  1. trashywoman62 03/13/2013

    Oh my gosh, the cedar waxwings look fake they are so perfect! Their feathers are so smooth and I love the eyeliner! Looks so sexy, oh sorry forgot this was a family blog! I have seen these but not so up close and personal. Those are some great photos, Linda! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Nancy9350 03/13/2013

    Ah, these are the beautiful birds who ate all our blueberry crop in 2010, and haven't returned since! Maybe 2010 was a bad wild berry year? And/or the shiny ribbon from Goodwill that we've twirled all over in the years since has done its job? We're not quite ready to donate all our blueberries to these guys, but are very thankful they've been easily discouraged - and fed elsewhere.

  3. user-1020932 03/13/2013

    amazing photos and i agree with Michelle,,, that first one blows me away too! enjoyed your previous feature when we went "home" and will look forward to more... have fun!

  4. Chefin1950 03/13/2013

    The birds are indeed beautiful, but it's their lovely copper birdbath that I crave. Is it a handmade one or did you buy it? What does the water drip down into? Do you have to clean it a lot to keep it from oxidizing?

  5. bee1nine 03/13/2013

    A wonderful sighting to see and SO many! No doubt linda, the
    birds must look forward to visiting your bountiful back yard
    every spring!
    Thanks for sharing your host of cedar wax wings. They are a
    lovely bird!

  6. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 03/13/2013

    I really enjoyed this issue of the 'fine birding' blog! I think cedar waxwings are one of the most beautiful birds. Wish they weren't so shy.

  7. brainbear 03/13/2013

    Beautiful pictures Linda, thanks for sharing. I love your bird bath too!

  8. user-1020932 03/13/2013

    fine birding :) that gave me an early morning chuckle. birds are a fact of life in the garden, i see them scarfing down/up earthworms, snipping off emerging seedlings, pulling newly set sempervivums in a hanging moss ball and tossing them about and dive bombing red tail hawks. all good and i do encourage them. and trashywoman that "eyeliner" is sort of liz taylorlike in Cleopatra......btw bluebirds are nesting here!

  9. tractor1 03/13/2013

    To my mind it's wildlife that makes the garden and song birds adorn the plants like jewels... great captures! And I too need to see more and know more about that birdbath... where can I buy one? I don't remember seeing cedar waxwings here in NY but there are many other winged beauties about... one of my favorites is the cardinal (sort of appropriate timing today).

  10. Quiltingmamma 03/13/2013

    Lovely photos. I love those waxwings. We tend to have a few Bohemians here up North that come in for a short visit to take whatever last berries are around and then disappear. From a bird-starved Northerner, many thanks.

  11. User avater
    meander_michaele 03/13/2013

    Great shots, Linda, each and every one. I'm especially partial to the second one down on the left which shows the two waxwings and a robin getting along in harmony (at least for the duration of taking the photo) for the sake of eating. I was not aware that photinias were so bountiful in the berry department. Are they prone to being invasive in some climates because of that?

  12. wGardens 03/13/2013

    Love the photos! We have had waxwings here in central/eastern NY but not THAT many at a time, here, anyway. The birdbath is a beauty. Snowdrops here are in bloom and the red-wings and robins have recently arrived.

  13. GrnThum 03/13/2013

    Absolutely LOVE these guys. Your garden is a tribute to melding the art of growing with the need to maintain healthy bird populations. I have a little flock of Cedar Waxwings who come visit my garden every afternoon, but they've never come down for a sip at my birdbath. They "announce" their presence with that wheezy little song of theirs, so I know when they arrive. Might be time to rethink getting a birdbath with running water!

  14. sunterra7 03/13/2013

    These photos made my morning come alive...thanks!

  15. pattyspencer 03/13/2013

    Great shots of the birds! I look forward to seeing the ones that come to my feeder every day (as do my cats - lol - no no they are inside cats - will never get to those birds - lol) I don't know if we have Waxwing or not in this area - I've never seen any but that doesn't mean they aren't there. Thanks for the great pics!

  16. veewise 03/13/2013

    Those cedar waxwings will be in my mountain ash tree with the robins soon, here in Victoria,BC.Your photos are brilliant!

  17. greenthumblonde 03/13/2013

    These photos made me feel as happy as if they were in my own back yard. Delightful!

  18. Tomboy1950 03/13/2013

    I have had cedar wax wings visit my backyard this year and they quickly stripped the pyracantha of all the red berries. The birds are so beautiful and I am in awe of Linda's photography because I found it very difficult to get pictures of them they fly around so fast! Great photos Linda. Thanks for sharing.

  19. janetsfolly 03/13/2013

    What wonderful pics! Waxwings are some of my favorite birds, I've been planting for them (and other wildlife) for several years. Like greenthumbblonde, your photos lifted my spirits as if they were in my own yard! Thanks! And I too am hoping for info on that birdbath, so appealing in it's simplicity.
    Tractor1, I'm with you that birds are the jeweled adornments to my gardens, along with butterflies and dragonflies. These bring the unexpected joy to a day in the garden. When they visit I'm sure I must be doing something right!

  20. Happily_Gardening 03/13/2013

    As I write by the open window, serenaded by bird song, these beautiful pictures come alive. Thank you Linda for sharing the beauty of nature that visits your yard!
    tractor1...indeed wildlife makes the garden and song birds adorn plants like jewels, well said. I do have to add a "but" on wildlife just so one does not think I welcome it all...I draw the line for a few, they stain the landscape, in my way of thinking anyhow:).

  21. user-1020932 03/13/2013

    the post this morning had me scouting for birds all day on the jobsite (as i was freezing) drove home by the river and noticed piles of sticks up in the trees. turns out they were blue heron nests i never knew until today and had never noticed it before. so thx Linda for making me more aware by sharing your birdshots.

  22. CJgardens 03/13/2013

    Linda, thank you for sharing the photos of the waxwings and robins. I recently have a pair of cardinals coming to my feeder just outside the kitchen window (along with the chickadees, sparrows, finches, and occasional junco.) Birds can just brighten your day. I enjoy coming to GPOD blog more all the time; the comments are so interesting. I'm jealous of all the blooming flowers and trees. We have more snow forcasted into next week! But last year was very dry so the snow cover will be beneficial.

  23. darylsavage 03/13/2013

    If we are talking birds today, I had a pileated woodpecker on Sunday for the first time in years, and he came back to the very same tree he pecked last time. Isn't that remarkable? Thanks for showing us those waxwings Linda, they are beautiful.

  24. user-1020932 03/13/2013

    aren't pileated woodpeckers something else? must have been 50 turkeys on the jobsite when we arrived this :am, , , must be courting season i saw one with full fan and strutting :)

  25. LDKennedy 03/13/2013

    Thanks for the favorable comments. One thing I love about this site is everyone's positive comments and interest.
    The bird bath itself was a stock copper birdbath, however, my husband converted it, per my instructions (LOL!), to a fountain. I wanted to attract birds but also wanted the sound of dripping water in my back yard. Little did I know that this running water would attract so many birds, year round.
    A hole was drilled into the bottom of the copper bowl so that a plastic tube from the pump, which we bought at Lowe's, could be fed up into it. We used a copper pipe to conceal the plastic pipe. As far as the "pond" is concerned, it was fairly easy to install. We bought a small plastic pond kit from a home improvement store, sunk it in the ground, bought a cheap water pump, surrounded the pond with flagstone, and voila!...instant fountain/bird bath! :) PS: I only clean it once a year and the very inexpensive pump has lasted for years through extreme heat, lots of freezes and neglect! :)

  26. janeeliz 03/13/2013

    Love your cedar waxwings... must be wonderful to have so many. Such an elegant bird!

  27. ancientgardener 03/14/2013

    I am thrilled to see an occasional cedar waxwing at my feeder. Absolutely breathtaking to see so many in your garden. Next to flowers, I love birds.

  28. Chefin1950 03/14/2013

    Linda, thank you ever so much for the details about your bird bath – it is one of the loveliest I have ever seen. Somehow it just pulled at my heartstrings and now I will be keeping my eyes open for such a copper bowl! Thanks again and enjoy the beauty and birds that it brings to your garden.

  29. jennabean 03/14/2013

    Oh, I would LOVE to be able to get those in my garden! What wonderful pictures, thanks so much for sharing :)

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