Garden Photo of the Day

Tracy’s Flower Farm

Growing flowers as a cure for difficult times

large bouquet of pink, purple, and white flowers

Hi, I’m Tracy Sundby—mom, wife, homemaker, and avant gardener extraordinaire in Stanwood, Washington. These last two years have brought a profound awakening to my soul. I became a mother, battled melanoma, and lost my job of 16 years. My mental health was struggling, and working the land was the cure. I worked tirelessly in the garden, completing and growing things I had only dreamed about in just one short growing season. Something deep within me woke up to my purpose, and I stopped wondering so much about why I couldn’t and started wondering how I might. My passion for flowers and gardening runs deep in my veins and goes back generations to my ancestors who farmed the land. This spring I dove headfirst into healing and finding my authenticity through growing and sharing blooms. “Freedom Flowers” was born, and I have never been more certain of knowing this is my path. I’m learning every day about where I will fit into this industry and am having a damn good time while I’m doing it!

kitten laying in front of a basket of pink and white dahliasLife on the farm, with beautiful dahlias (Dahlia variabilis, Zones 8–11 or as a tender bulb) and a kitten.

community seed "library" offering free seedsThe Little Free Seed Library at the farm near our farm stand is for community seed swapping. Don’t have a packet to leave? That’s OK. Just make a donation, or promise to grow, harvest and deposit seeds back into the library next season. Our ancestors used to swap seeds with their neighbors all the time. So making deposits into the seed library allows us to continue giving back to our community and honor old traditions!

Bouquets of various flowers on a metal standBouquets ready for sale at the farm stand

large garden bed of various colored flowersThese are some of the beds of flowers for harvesting to sell.

garden in spring with empty raised bedsIt all starts here. These beds in the spring are ready to start bursting with life and flowers.

flower farm stand at a farmers marketSelling flowers at the farmer’s market

large bouquet of pink, purple, and white flowersA beautiful wedding bouquet

close up of pink sweet pea flowersA fragrant favorite on the flower farm: sweet peas (Lathyrus odoratus, annual)

close up of large, cream colored roseThe David Austen rose ‘Litchfield Angel’ looks absolutely stunning.

large pile of harvested statice flowersStatice (Limonium sinuatum, annual) makes a great filler in fresh bouquets, but it also dries beautifully too, making it wonderful for long-lasting dried bouquets.

If you want to learn more about Tracy and her flower growing, check out her website, or instagram @freedomfarmflowers.


Have a garden you’d like to share?

Have photos to share? We’d love to see your garden, a particular collection of plants you love, or a wonderful garden you had the chance to visit!

To submit, send 5-10 photos to [email protected] along with some information about the plants in the pictures and where you took the photos. We’d love to hear where you are located, how long you’ve been gardening, successes you are proud of, failures you learned from, hopes for the future, favorite plants, or funny stories from your garden.

Have a mobile phone? Tag your photos on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter with #FineGardening!

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View 12 comments


  1. gardendevas 01/03/2023

    Bravo, Tracy!!

  2. blondie3 01/03/2023

    Fantastic, gardening is so therapeutic…I’m just a home gardener but love puttering in my garden… from the photos your farm is beautiful..the seed library is awesome, congratulations on becoming a mother, it is a wonderful experience.

  3. islandlover 01/03/2023

    Wonderful story! Gardening is rewarding in so many ways. Your results are fantastic. May you continue to do well.

  4. grannie55 01/03/2023

    I loved your story and your passion! You are also a great photographer as well as gardener extraordinaire. Thank you for sharing!

  5. User avater
    virtual_flower_garden 01/03/2023

    Keep it going, Tracy! Beautiful story and even more beautiful flowers.

  6. btucker9675 01/03/2023

    Thanks for sharing this! In June, I had a melanoma removed from my back, leaving a 6 inch scar, then in August was diagnosed with breast cancer (fortunately stage 0, in situ), core biopsy, then lumpectomy in September followed by radiation treatments. Once of the hardest things was being unable to do much in my garden during the healing processes. I'm hoping for a better year, for sure, and looking at your beautiful flowers is a joy.

  7. User avater
    bdowen 01/03/2023

    Congratulations on finding your path(s) and so much happiness in your garden. The bouquets are beautiful. Wishing you continued joy with your garden, healing and parenting.

  8. sheila_schultz 01/03/2023

    Dearest Tracy... you have found your true Mojo, the path that makes you happy, productive and inspiring! Life takes us on many twists and turns and it is always a journey to try to figure out how to be whole and happy again. You have learned that nature is our gift. I did the same thing decades ago... and 'digging in the dirt' and planting what made me happy has made my life quite wonderful. The same is happening to you... you are amazing and your flowers are no less than extraordinary!!! huge hugs coming your way. The wonder of unexpected beauty is in your future!

  9. User avater
    simplesue 01/03/2023

    Ohhhh your Little Free Seed Library is really nice! Love your flower arrangements, and your personal story is inspiring. Love your clever word play: "avant gardener"!

  10. user-5117752 01/03/2023

    Fabulous!!! Just wish you lived near me!
    Best of wishes to you and yours for happy and very healthy New Year!!!

  11. jos29803 01/04/2023

    Truly for you Tracy. Gardening is a wonderful passion, it does wonders for healing the body, mind and soul as you have discovered. Your flowers are beautiful. Wishing you a safe, healthy, happy and successful 2023!!!!

  12. user-7711404 01/05/2023

    Beautiful story and beautiful flowers....LOVE the free seed library!

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