Garden Photo of the Day

Teresa’s garden in Ontario

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Teresa Gordon

Today’s photos are from Teresa Gordon. She says, “Our garden is located in Markham, Ontario, Canada. We have lived in this home for 24 years but we only began gardening seriously in 2005. The home is approx. 130-150 years old so we spent many years doing necessary renovations.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Teresa Gordon

“In the last year or so I have been experiencing some physical limitations so my husband has begun to take over many of the more challenging chores. In addition, my husband has always been the person responsible for the layout of the garden design and all of the hardscaping. The garden has helped me immensley both physically and mentally while I deal with my medical issues.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Teresa Gordon

“The yard is a very nice mix of shade and part shade from mature maples, firs, and birches with a small area of full sun in the back yard. We have mainly perennials with annuals used mostly for containers. At present we have very little in shrubbery and plan on adding more. The shrubs I do have are boxwood and hydrangea for shade and fothergillia, smokebush and spirea for sun. I would be happy to identify any of the plants pictured if anyone would like to know.”

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Teresa Gordon

Beautiful, Teresa! I love seeing both the summer and fall shots of your arbor. Thanks so much for sharing!

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Teresa Gordon

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Teresa Gordon
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Teresa Gordon
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Teresa Gordon

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View 25 comments


  1. erla 11/14/2012

    What a lovely garden. I would love to know what are the little blue flowers under the Fothergilla. They look just beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

    Independence, Oregon

  2. davsav 11/14/2012

    What lush flower beds! I love the pathway with the pergola. Thanks for sharing.
    Southern Maryland

  3. annek 11/14/2012


  4. teresazone5ont 11/14/2012

    Thank you for your kind comments Annk, Avis and Eria. Eria, the little
    blue flowers are forget me knots which spread throughout your garden but
    do not harm other plants. Lovely in the Spring if you do not mind their
    vagabond ways.

  5. User avater
    meander_michaele 11/14/2012

    Teresa, your garden must be great medicine for the soul as you deal with your physical health issues. You are surrounded by beauty. I, too was immediately struck with the question about the identity of the charming blue groundcover. I was all pleased with myself for recognizing the Fothergilla but then got stumped by the dainty mass of blue.

  6. User avater
    meander_michaele 11/14/2012

    Ahh, thank you ahead of time, Teresa, for identifying the forget-me-nots. I was a beat too slow in seeing your answer before I went to post. I have an area where I let the forget-me-nots have their way and they never fail to delight. As a matter of fact, this might be the nudge I need to transplant a few so they start colonizing in a second area. Thanks!

  7. hortiphila 11/14/2012

    Teresa, I'm interested in the Liatris in the second picture, what a Monarch magnet, do you know the species? Gorgeous garden, thanks for sharing.

  8. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 11/14/2012

    So beautiful and what a great setting! How geat to catch the moment in time when all of those monarchs were on the liatris!

  9. teresazone5ont 11/14/2012

    Thank you Meander1, my sister, who has a lovely garden, and I both love the forget me knots and let them spread throughout the gardens. Hortiphila
    and Vojt, thank you also for your wonderful compliments, the liatris is called
    Liatris ligulistylus and is the most amazing butterfly magnet. We had up tp
    20 butterflies at once on this great plant. A little hard to find but worth
    seeking out.

  10. Happily_Gardening 11/14/2012

    Peaceful and serene,love the arbor. May the beauty that surrounds you, heal you!

    BTW, where is our "Tractor One"? You are missed...hope all is well with you!

  11. tractor1 11/14/2012

    Could have fooled me, Teresa, your garden looks like it's been there forever, it looks very mature so no need to appologize for it's newness. And I always tell new homeowners to get their basic plantings and hardscaping in first, trees and shrubs take a long time to grow and smaller specimens cost a lot less than their more mature versions, are easier to plant, and a lot easier to hardscape when folks are younger. Save the indoor renovations for winter. Thank you for sharing your garden.

  12. terieLR 11/14/2012

    Hi Teresa~(and husband) Beautiful in all seasons, I'm sure. With the selection of perennials you've chosen your garden must host a variety of insects and birds. Well done! Does your liatris flower late in the season to attract all those monarchs? Great shot. Your garden house is a nice backdrop. Thank you for posting.

  13. Flowerbulbcrazy 11/14/2012

    Love the photos! The arbor and walkway make it so inviting! Love paths! Love variety of flowers!

  14. janetsfolly 11/14/2012

    Teresa, I agree that your garden looks like it's been happily growing for years...just lovely! I would love to know what the taller blue flowers are near the arbor, as they seem to bloom summer into fall. Anything that spans the seasons is a winner in my book (especially blue)!
    Thank you for sharing!

  15. sheila_schultz 11/14/2012

    Teresa, your gardens are a feast for the eyes. There is no question why they would provide a natural therapy for a weary mind and body. Lucky you... and your husband!

  16. soilgoil 11/14/2012

    Wonderful, Teresa and husband! I echo all the compliments you've received here. But I'm surprised that no one has commented on your quirky garden sculpture. I think that all but the most formal of gardens benefit from a light-hearted touch of whimsy.

  17. pattyspencer 11/14/2012

    Beautiful garden! What is the white (and pink?) flower behind the coneflowers in the 1st row - 3rd down? And I agree with everyone's statements about your garden!!

  18. Plant_Paradise 11/14/2012

    Beautiful plant combinations and such a lovely backyard oasis filled with plants that attract butterflies and beneficial insects! Well done.

  19. teresazone5ont 11/14/2012

    Thanks to everyone for all your great comments. So wonderful to share my pictures and get such nice comments.
    Dear TerieLR the liatris flowers in August for a good 3 weeks or more and attracts the monarchs from the minute the first bud opens. Everyone needs this plant!
    Dear Janetsfolly, the tall blue flowers in those shots are actually two separate plants. In the Summer photo the plant is the tall balloon flower (there is a shorter variety also)and flowers for many weeks in late July and August. In the Fall photo it is Monkshood which starts in late September or October for me.

  20. teresazone5ont 11/14/2012

    Dear Soilgoil, thank you, yes I love my garden bird, which was given to me by my sister for my 50th birthday. If you like quirky check out the little gnome in the lower right corner of the first pic. Dear Pattyspencer, thanks and the white flowers are Limelight hydrangea and the hot pink flower is a 'starfire' Phlox. Dear Plant Paradise, I am not positive but are you the Plant Pardise in Southern Ontario? I plan on visiting your wonderful business next year as I just discovered you recently. Thanks for the kind comments. Your gardens look unbelievable and can't wait to make a day of it and visit!

  21. tractor1 11/14/2012

    A new moocher to contend with, what a cutie:

    He had better hide.

  22. pattyspencer 11/15/2012

    Tractor1 - he may be a moocher but he's beautiful!

  23. cwheat000 11/15/2012

    I'm really liking the fothergilla. All is quite lovely.

  24. tractor1 11/15/2012

    pattyspencer: I agree, he's gorgeous. "Moocher" is a term of endearment I give all the critters, even one of my cat's name is Mooch. I always feel honored that a few will trust me to come up to my deck to mooch snacks. I don't step out, I just crack the door quietly and toss out snacks, deer get whatever expired bread I find when I shop and they get a couple of carrots. Walmart always has loaves of bread and big bags of rolls at less than half price, the expiration date has just passed but they are actually still fine to eat. Crows enjoy all my meat trimmings. Nothing edible goes in my trash can... poultry frames are tossed out and by morning they are gone. Even the crumbs from the bottom of a box of crackers go out with the birdseed, and I buy over a thousand pounds of birdseed each year, and suet cakes by the case. I buy big bags of in-shell roasted peanuts, the bluejays and squirrels enjoy those. I buy food for the local animal shelter too. I spend quite a bit of money on feeding critters, that's my charity, I don't give charity to people organizations, because very little goes for good use, people steal and lie, animals don't have pockets and they never lie. Too many times I've sent money to people charities and found out that they are totally phoney, especially those that claim to help children in third world countries under the umbrella of a religion, they are absolutely a scam.

  25. Riftinutriect 06/26/2013

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