Today we visit Linda Skyler's garden in Washington State!
"Good morning to all flower followers, I hope everyone is now experiencing Spring as so many of you had such a very long winter. Here in WA Spring is well into the season and the gardens are bursting with color and fragrance. I have been so enjoying all of the wonderful garden photos that have been sent in by such hard working gardeners as all of you are."
Keep sending in photos, everyone! Whether you've never shared before or you've been featured multiple times, we want to see your garden! Email a few photos and a little info about your garden to [email protected].
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Wow Linda! Your garden is bursting with all of Spring's juicy goodness! Could you please tell me about your primroses in the 2nd photo? I love them all. Please check in again with more photos.
Susan, can we bargain with you to add more photos please? I'm sure Linda has much more than these....
Goodmorning PC ~ The primroses are 'Candelabra Primulas' (primula japonica). They prefer damp shade but will do well also in some sun. They multiply and spread and are really beautiful in the Spring.
P.S. Yes! I did send in more, hope you will be able to see them.
Me too. If not, would you be able to upload them here? Hope that is not too much to ask.
Yes, I will upload them on this site tomorrow (if I can get help from my IT son),
if no more pics appear on GPOD I will load them right here.
Linda, it's always such a delight when you "invite" us into your garden and we get to nose around. That sun infused heuchera in your first picture certainly would have stopped me in my tracks for a moment of admiration...I adore that kind of luminosity....
sun + plant = amazing photo...kind of like 1+1=3.
Susan, I agree with Perennially Crazy...3 pictures are more an hors d'oeuvre and we hungry gpod-ers like a whole dinner.
So glad you enjoyed Meander - and I did send in the "whole dinner" as I too like to see lots of photos to satisfy the hunger - but somehow only the hors d'oeuvr were served ^_^ maybe Susan will post more.
Well it's no surprise that your garden is gorgeous, Linda. Your use of containers is so inspiring and your plants are cool. is there a shoot of the pink and silver form of impatiens omeiana popping up from a container in the first photo? Love it and that great heuchera in one of my favorite colors!
Ahh Tim, you do have an observant eye, and it must come out of that pot soon as I know it will really grow
Its leaves are so pretty. I've gotten a nice clump of the regular variety, although it doesn't seem to bulk up here in the cold midwest as it seems to out your way. I saw yours and was tempted to dig a start of mine and keep it in a container: then I remembered the number of containers I already have to schlep in and out for winter!
Linda, I love that pedestal and urn! The height it gives that area of your garden really shows off the plants...your garden is lovely. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for enjoying ^_^
I really like the circular bed, outlined with flat brick - it looks great. I also now intend to use more colorful pots in my beds. Thank you for sharing.
Glad you enjoyed Nina. I use a lot of pots as I have so much root-bound areas due to the giant fir trees and it gives me a better way to grow things.
Collected lots of good ideas from these. What's the very low, fine-textured plant at lower right in 2nd photo, between primroses and brick? What's the shiny-leaved tree at upper right in 3rd photo? You Washington gardeners have such a great climate. Thank you for sending photos.
Peg, the fine green is 'spike moss', it likes damp shade - which I seem to have a lot of (!) so it grows rampantly. The tree with the shiny leaves is a Magnolia.
Hi Linda! Its great to see your garden again! I know you must be busy getting it ready for the garden tour. It is so amazing how plants quickly fill in and takes their place in your canvas! I sure wish we could see more! I am sure your ferns are just beautiful as they come alive with their new fronds unfurling! And your variegated fatsia? Its probably bursting with color and new growth! Thanks so much for sharing with us!
Hi Jeanne ~ I'm going to send a photo here soon of the Fatsia (I need help with that maneuver) so stay tuned as it is looking great. I am now looking for Fatsia Japonica 'Variegata Camouflage'. Dan Hinkley has one in his gardens at 'Windcliff' and it is a beauty, but I think they are rare.
Here is the Fatsia 'Spider Web'. Enjoy
Oh, so cool looking...what fantastic foliage. No wonder you love it.
Oh my! Have never seen that before. LOVE it! Thanks for sending in the photo!
Linda... what a wonderful treat to get a tiny peek of your amazing gardens! All the colors and textures are making me drool! I do wish I could come on your upcoming garden tour, I know I would be inspired for years! When is the tour happening?
Susan, I've got to agree with Perennially Crazy and Meander1... the GPOD'ers gardens are so inspiring and they give us wonderful ideas for our own gardens! If at all possible, could we please have more photos? We've been spoiled. Thanks.
The Garden Conservancy tour here on Bainbridge Is. is June 28th with 6 wonderful gardens - hope you can make it ^_^
I did sent in more photos and not sure why she only posted three.
Garden Conservancy tours are great fun... a lot of work, but worth it! My garden was one of 5 that were part of Open Days 3 years ago and I loved it. I hope the day is glorious for you and the other 5 gardeners!
For whatever reason, only 3 photos are being posted on GPOD these days. Hopefully they will start posting more?
On the GC tour, that's great. What area do you live in? I do wish their were more tours in the greater Seattle area.
We're in Denver. Unfortunately there haven't been anymore Open Day tours since 2012 in Denver, and I think CO. It's really too bad since they always draw big crowds and make money for the GC.
Gorgeous, Linda! So much to study, glimpses leave me wanting more. I too would like to know what is the groundcover beside those lovely primulas in the 2nd photo. Thanks for sharing these.
Granny May, the ground cover is 'Spike Moss' and although it is lovely to see, it can be invasive and I am always beating it back .
Linda, I see that the Spike Moss (Selaginella sp.) needs damp soil. I'm curious. Does your soil not get bone dry during the summer drought as ours does? Here on southern Vancouver Island we are already too dry (1/4" of rain so far in May) and it will only get worse.
My gardens are all heavily planted, plus I use tons of mulch, however I'm sure this summer will be a real test as we have had so little rain. The Spike Moss is very tightly compact so keeps it's own moist ground fairly well.
I always enjoy seeing your wonderful garden. The photo of the Heuchera is stunning. I gather a garden tour is coming up. I admire people who participate as it is such a lot of work. Good Luck!
I too would like to see more photos from each garden.
Thank you Catherine. The garden tour IS a lot of work but I do enjoy visiting with all of the enthusiastic gardeners that attend.
The product that our club uses is generic Wilco Blue that we get from the manufacturer. if you google this you will see what's in it. I have pets and have never had a problem. So little is needed that I've never worried about it. about one granule for each plant and it last for months because it has a coating. As I said last year I used coffee grounds and egg shells, but my terrier was eating it and then had to go to the vet because the coffee grounds were all in her teeth and gave her gingivitis, so she had to get her teeth cleaned :-((
I don't see any slug holes, Linda.....what do you use for slug control? I've declared WAR on mine....I'm going out twice a day with ammonia and a sprayer and killing all I find. They ate ALL of my plant starts....and continue to wreak havoc on things.
So sorry about the slug-fest in your garden Diane. I have yet to figure out the 'benefit' of slugs! I use a non-lethal slug bait but still do see their damage.
Thanks Diane, yes Spring is just SO great.
Beautiful garden! I'm in WA also in Vancouver and the garden is about 3 weeks ahead of schedule. Hmm are gardens on a schedule? Used coffee grounds are great slug repellents. Also eggs shells ground up. Our garden club uses a commercial slug pellet which I use and it's great. I can post the name of it when I find out the exact chemical compound. It can be purchased at Wilco Farm Store in a 40 lb bag. Very little goes a long way.
Thanks so much for the info.
Linda, I've enjoyed visiting your garden this morning? Loved your pot garden! What variety is the Heuchera? 'Root Beer'? I'm looking for perennials that color.?
Thank you, the Heuchera is called 'Carnival Watermelon', isn't that a great name!
feels like we have been put on a diet after being spoilt !!;-))
Hi Linda,I am happy to see a glimpse of your gardens,And yes we have all been very spoiled with photos day 1 and day 2 because people were sending in so many. I think we got a better idea of what the gardens really looked like with more photos. I am hoping to get to Bainbridge for the tour but we have company coming and not sure of the dates yet. Fingers crossed I get to visit again and say hi. It's all looking beautiful.....you are such a wonderful gardener.
Will really hope to see you Glenda, keep me posted - and yes us GPODs were really spoiled with past postings.
Absolutely fabulous gardens.
So beautiful !!!!
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