Garden Photo of the Day

Sharon’s garden in Oklahoma

Happy Monday, everyone! Today's photos are from Sharon Hightower, who says, "These pictures are from my garden in Ada, Oklahoma. I've been gardening for 50 years. I have flowers all season long, from crocus and daffodils in the spring to irises and daylilies later on in the season. I also have coneflowers, tiger lilies, hostas, and phlox. We have had a very wet spring so far this year." What a charming garden, Sharon! I adore the planted wire chair especially. And the wire flower next to it! Is that a cage from a balled-and-burlapped shrub??

Keep sending in photos, everyone! Whether you've never shared before or you've been featured multiple times, we want to see your garden! Email me at [email protected]. Thanks! -Michelle

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View 19 comments


  1. susan749 05/03/2015

    Very charming!

  2. User avater
    meander_michaele 05/04/2015

    I'm guessing you're a happy person, Sharon...just looking at all your colorful flowers gives my spirit a surge of joy. I agree with Michelle that your wire chair is quite delightful as a playful holder for that multi-colored tumble of flowers.

  3. perenniallycrazy 05/04/2015

    You have quite a delightful garden Sharon! That first photo says it all. So happy... love it!

  4. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 05/04/2015

    It is charming. My understanding is that Oklahoma can have quite a difficult climate in which to garden. You've really found a way to succeed!

  5. user-4691082 05/04/2015

    Ooh, love the datura!

  6. wittyone 05/04/2015

    Oh, I love this kind of flower garden. Lots of different kinds of flowers all intermingled wherever they decide they want to be. Getting the varieties right so that there is always something in bloom is not so easy but you seem to have found the right combinations to pull it off.

  7. greengenes 05/04/2015

    Hi Sharon... you have quite the sunny place! The cone flowers are beautiful! Does your datura reseed? Well like others have said...its really a happy place! A glass of ice tea and a few oatmeal raisin cookies while sitting with the flowers would be lovely! Thanks for sharing with us!

    1. sharonclements 05/06/2015

      I've had a white datura that has seeded several times but, unfortunately, this double purple one did not. I saved seeds though that I need to get planted!

  8. NCYarden 05/04/2015

    Hello Sharon, this is a bright and lovely cottage-like garden. The flow of echinacea is cool. Well done.

  9. GrannyMay 05/04/2015

    Sharon your garden is delightful! It isn't easy to achieve a succession of blooms all season; I see a lot of my old favourites looking very happy there. Love that photo with the urns and rocks. Thanks for sharing.

  10. digginWA 05/04/2015

    Thanks for sharing your cheerful garden. Is the front yard fully planted? Or do I see a bit of grass in there as a path ...? I've been in Oklahoma many times--do you have that red clay to deal with where you are?

    1. sharonclements 05/06/2015

      No, I'm blessed not to have red clay. I have really good loam. I made several raised beds years ago across my driveway because of the gravel in the soil. The front yard is almost fully planted, but I do have a small circle of grass in the middle.

  11. GrannyCC 05/04/2015

    Congratulations on a very charming garden Sharon. Love the mixture of plants and decorative objects. it has English country charm.

  12. sheila_schultz 05/04/2015

    Now that is a playful garden, you have very lucky neighbors, Sharon! If only I could grow echinacea like yours... they are never happy in my garden, I keep trying though ;)

  13. user-7007140 05/04/2015

    This is a lovely way to start the week, Sharon. All the mix of flowers is glorious - my favorite sight. And I am hooked on metal flowers, so I would feel right at home. Your garden must be weeks ahead of mine and I certainly do not have flowers all year round. I'm jealous!
    Thank you for sharing with us.

  14. [email protected] 05/04/2015

    Love your cottage garden!

  15. user-7007327 05/04/2015

    What a wonderful garden for faeries, elves, and puppy dog( or cat ) tails. Love your plants and great garden art. Your porch looks so inviting.

  16. foxglove12 05/04/2015

    So charming!

  17. Cenepk10 05/05/2015

    What a happy garden !!!! Loved seeing it !

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