Garden Photo of the Day

Scenes from the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens

A gorgeous pergola and seating area attached to the pavilion. Click directly on the photo to enlarge it in a pop-up.
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

I got to visit the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens on Tuesday, and I have to say that it may one of the nicest public gardens I’ve ever set foot in! And I’ve been to quite a few. The layout, the plantings, the buildings, the gorgeous setting, the attention to detail–it was all fabulously perfect!

I got to see this rain chain in action while waiting for the storm to pass–beautiful!
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

Even though one post could barely scratch the surface of the cool things I saw, I thought I’d share just a few photos I took here and there. I can’t vouch for their quality–I was dodging serious rain, thunder, and lightning for half the time I was there….running around with a big metal tripod…yikes! Plus, I’m editing this post on a laptop from home (under the weather–ha!), which makes it pretty near impossible to edit out the blurry shots. Anyhow, enjoy!

Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
A labyrinth for reflection.
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
Confined to a wheel chair? Here’s a labyrinth just for you.
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
Swoon! The green roof, the shingles, the kitty fence. I’d like to move in, please.
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
Somebody got creative…
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
Near the rhododendron garden
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

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View 14 comments


  1. user-29260 07/27/2012

    Such a beautiful place, and such a wonderful addition to northern New England! It's quicly become one of my favorite places in that part of the county.

  2. Kris_at_Blithewold 07/27/2012

    I've known for a while that I've got to go, but you confirmed it for sure. That wide angle of the labyrinth and the sumac all lit up makes me almost weepy with want. Why isn't that as easy as it looks?

  3. User avater
    meander_michaele 07/27/2012

    Looks like a fabulous garden with lots of interesting elements. Love the watering can arbor with its sense of playfulness.

  4. ScottHokunson 07/27/2012

    Beautiful! Just another great reason to visit Maine!

  5. tractor1 07/27/2012

    I can see that rain chain really caught your fancy, I like it too, and you were fortunate for the rain to show it in operation. And someone put a lot of effort into creating those majestic stainless steel? watering cans, filled with water no one could walk off with them, the same creativity could turn them into a great water feature... smaller watering cans would make an interesting rain chain. That garden looks like one can spend a very enjoyable day there, thank you, Michelle.

  6. Happily_Gardening 07/27/2012

    Wonderful to see the rain chain in operation, not seen that before. The little cottage with cat fencing is adorable. The pictures make me long to visit the gardens and Maine.
    Tractor 1, Loved your idea of a rain chain made up of small watering cans. Practical and whimsical.
    Michelle, thanks for hanging in there to take pictures in the storming are dedicated. Sorry you are now under the weather, hope you're feeling "right as rain" soon.

  7. willysmom 07/27/2012

    I'm lucky to live fairly close to CMBG, and it is indeed wonderful. In addition to Michelle's highlighted spots, it features many theme gardens, ponds, incredible arrangements of huge rocks, waterfalls, a children's garden, and best of all (to me) gorgeous trails through the woods. And a fabulous cafe! William Cullina is now the Executive Director, so you know it will continue to be wonderful. Be sure to check out their web site for more. (Guess this sounds like an ad, but no, I don't work for them - I just love the place!)

  8. Formandfoliage 07/27/2012

    Thanks for highlighting some botanical gardens. Interestingly, many people that visit BGs go for solitude and serenity, and aren't even plant lovers. They serve a much greater slice of the public than one would think, and they generally don't get as much focus as museums or the like. Glad you shared these photos!

  9. Vespasia 07/27/2012

    Beautiful, want to visit for sure!

  10. Wife_Mother_Gardener 07/27/2012

    This looks like a fun garden visit! I love the green roof on the garden building.

  11. solana1234 07/27/2012

    Does everyone know what a rain chai is except for me? Does it serve a useful purpose or is it just for decoration?
    Love all these gardening posts and pictures!!!

  12. solana1234 07/27/2012

    "rain chain" I was hunting and pecking fast there!

  13. pattyspencer 07/27/2012

    Would love to be able to walk through that garden!

  14. tractor1 07/27/2012

    solana1234: Rain chains are mostly decorative but they are also functional in as there's no downspout to clog, however there needs to be a vessel at the bottom to collect the water and then a conduit to direct the water safely away from the house. Rain chains don't work well in many situations, they don't work well with two story houses and with wind the water blows in whichever direction. I think they could be fine on a small garden shed but I'd not want one for a house, with a heavy rain a lot of serious damage can ensue.

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