Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTOS! Nina’s garden in Massachusetts

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nina Schlosberg

Today’s photos are from Nina Schlosberg in Waltham, Massachusetts. Nina says, “I’ve been gardening here for over 20 years. Eventually there will be no more grass on the property because each year I keep expanding my perennial beds. I never met a daylily that I didn’t like. After I discovered the Knock-Out roses series, I’m back to planting roses around the yard.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nina Schlosberg

I like photographing my garden throughout the seasons. And in the winter I make calendars or books as a record of that year’s highlights. I’m amazed how my yard is always an ongoing and evolving entity. At this time of year I can’t wait to get involved in it again.”

If that’s how good your garden looked last year, we can’t wait to see what it will look like this year! Thanks, Nina, for sharing with us. But the burning question is…who’s that adorable pup??

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nina Schlosberg
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nina Schlosberg
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nina Schlosberg
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nina Schlosberg
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Nina Schlosberg

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  1. ncgardener 04/20/2012

    Beautiful garden. I can relate to the expanding garden and the reduction of grass. I can't help myself when it comes to trying a new perennial. I love how you have curved your beds so that you wonder just what is around the corner. Nice job!

  2. tractor1 04/20/2012

    I think having large grassy sections between highlights the specimen plantings, crowding plants makes them lose much of their value. I like that small tree in the first picture, it looks like mulberry but it's difficult to tell without seeing the leaf detail... most of the detail in that photo was lost by the camera focusiong on that porch post in the foreground and also from the bright light reflcting back from that light colored privacy fence at the very rear... those two elements caused everything between to blur. If that's a mulberry tree it will grow a lot larger and become a valuable element to that garden, I wouldn't plant anything else nearby, it's already being crowded. If not for the deer here I'd plant a number of mulberry trees in a stand, they're one of my favorites.

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    meander_michaele 04/20/2012

    Gorgeous garden. I love everything pictured.I experienced a serious pang of daylily lust at the one you featured in the closeup, Nina. Do you happen to recall its name? Besides being a wonderful color, it has such great substance and petal frilling.

  4. Happily_Gardening 04/20/2012

    Nina, love your expanse of great plants and colors AND your most adorable garden sitter...he, or is that she, looks so shy peeking out. Daylily...oh I long for my own to burst forward into bloom but thankfully I have a riot of color and fragrances of others and this wonderful blog to keep me content until they do.
    Tractor1, I'm intrigued by your references sometimes to your own about pictures?

  5. tractor1 04/20/2012

    Happily Gardening: I post different pictures of my "garden(s)" nearly every day. Today it's one of my flowering pear trees in bloom in its line of different trees that demark one of my property boundarys. I don't do formal gardening, what I do is maintain the naturalness of the 16 Catskill acres I live on. I have a huge library of photos I've taken here over the years but more than half are of the critters I share with... the last was of a doe feeding her fawn in my forest path that I maintain. This morning I was out hauling 40# bags of topspoil to dress around my newly planted trees... I just finished that flowering pear tree depicted and I'll be heading out shortly to do the next in line, American beech. If you click on my name the picture will enlarge enough to see more detail. I've already shared a number of pictures with Michelle via email and she posted my birch trees in fall color. A few days ago a bear destroyed my bird feeder so now I'm back to tossing bird seed onto the ground from my window, I think that works best here. I also own a 100 acre lot just across the county line, it's in organic hay, maintaine3d by a local cattle farmer. I don't do much on that property as it's naturally gorgeous and needs no help.

  6. Happily_Gardening 04/20/2012

    Hi there Tractor1,
    I noticed your picture changes but I couldn't make out too much and I'd clicked on your name, getting a tad bit bigger picture, I just wanted more. WOW, what an incredible acreage you have and in the Catskills, how beautiful. I can only begin to imagine the spectacular views you must see on any given day from your windows. Boy, that's some hard work you mentioned...a labor of love. Bear...fascinating!

  7. pattyspencer 04/21/2012

    Garden is really pretty but I wish the pics were a little less blurry. Everything looks very lush!

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