Today’s photos are from Cherry Ong in Richmond, British Columbia. We’ve visited Cherry lots of times, and today she’s back with an update!
She says, “Our backyard garden is now 6 years old and we do very much enjoy it. The trees have grown and defined the small space and provided that much needed privacy that my husband had wanted. Every spring, I find myself enjoying the rebirth of foliage and anticipate the emerging scents and flowers, too. I’ve shot the arrival of foliage and flowers in the garden with whatever camera I had on hand so pardon the differences in quality of the different photos. I’ve included a couple of shots of containers in the making, too, keeping my fingers crossed that they will grow out as hoped this summer.
Lastly and most importantly, I have to say I’ve met some really nice people through this blog and hope that the friendship continues over the years. You guys and gals know who you are! Have a great summer everyone! Hope plants and gardening continue to make us all happy.”

So, so nice, Cherry. I feel so lucky that I got to meet you in Seattle this spring!
—-I’ve not been getting many submissions lately! Have we all lost our momentum in the heat of summer? I wanna see what’s shakin’ in your gardens, GPODers! Send me the goods! Email me at [email protected]
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Gosh, Cherry, as I scrolled through your delightful series of pictures, I suddenly felt like a child reading the bible story of the loaves and the fishes...just seems like a miracle how much great stuff you have! I love the 'Quickfire' hydrangea as the backdrop for those beautiful deep pink lilies. The delicate unfurling leaves of the Floating Cloud maple are like a cluster of magical butterflies...no wonder you love it so. And what an amazing display of blooms your lilacs are showing...with all those flowers, the scent must be heavenly and fill your whole neighborhood. The "sneak preview" container looks like a first prize winner already..it is totally gorgeous. And, by the way, I sure couldn't tell any difference in photo quality so keep snapping with whatever's on hand.
Thanks meander1! We owe so much to Diane Brown who designed the garden (a great big thanks to her again) so amazingly without even ever stepping into the yard.
I'm always in awe of all of you who have sprawling yards (acreages) because of all the masses and varieties of plants that the space allows.
We never planned on scents in the garden - it all happened by accident as hubby and kids were so taken by the scent of Japanese honeysuckle when we stepped into the nursery during the planning stages of the garden; so I guess they're asking for this additional feature was an added bonus. Lilacs fill the May air with their sweet scent and is almost immediately followed by the Japanese honeysuckle. The neighbors do enjoy it too!
I always love reading your thoughts on GPOD meander1! I do hope we meet in person one day soon (along with tntreeman, sheila, annek, etc. etc.)
Seeing the seemingly unending abundance of all your wonderful plants is why the loaves and fishes story popped into my mind. Even though I know you don't have acres, it just seemed like there was such abundance. Diane must smile like the proud parent as she sees how well you have nurtured the offering of her landscape design. Maybe we should all descend upon tntreeman (hear that Jeff) and really put his newish patio to use. Then caravan 2 hours and do a walk about around my place.
I'm up for a roadtrip! It sure would be fun to finally meet and have some non-stop chat fests!
Sounds like a plan!
Thanks very much Pat - you've made our day (showed your comment to hubby)! =) Have a great week.
Thanks for sharing our yard photos Michelle. Was surprised to see them so soon.
I am SO VERY GLAD that I made it to the Flower Show to meet you this year. I wish I had been able to attend your presentation but I didn't even know we were going until the week of the event. Fingers crossed for next year.
Hope to see your garden and containers soon... I am still hoping I can purchase a garden hose like yours. Have a great week!
Cherry, nice surprise to find your yarden here this Monday morning. Always , always beautiful, colorful and "put together". You might have had help with the initial design but you are the one who gave it life. Thanks for sharing and I always love seeing your projects
Thanks Jeff! Even MORE wonderful to hear from you. Thanks for all the gardening pearls and opening my perspective to the gardening world even more. From you, I've learned that for containers, scale means impact! Make them big and bold. Gotta love that!
Looks great! Love the new container with the fuchsia, heuchera, etc. The hypertufa with the herbs is cool, too.
Thanks Tim! How are your containers this season? Would love to see them...as I recall, you have such interesting and vibrant container combos too. Have a great week!
It just so happens I've been taking some pictures...if I can get my act together I might send them in. I've got some sort-of up-cycled containers in blazing hot sun. I'll see how they do. All the best and thanks for sharing your art.
Look forward to your garden update. Always inspirational!
Very nice job. Must be ifficult to keep everything so neat and tidy.
Keeping up with the lawn is probably the most demanding chore of all. I'm a lazy mower Jerry. I drag my foot and wait for about 2-3 weeks before mowing. Apart from that, we have two major gardening chores every year: One in the Spring where we tidy up the yard and spread compost all over (acts as mulch and fertilizer and keeps the weeds down) and then one in the Fall where we trim down branches and foliage.
As for the containers, they require brain and brawn but I can't stop myself from sprucing them up every Spring and Fall. Must be an addiction. Thanks for the compliment!
Hi, love the pot with the peach begonia. What is the trailing plant with red veins? Lovely combinations. Jealous of Blue Sunrise geranium! So far all of the geraniums with exciting spring foliage have failed. Ann Thompson, Patricia, Sandrine. We east coast gardeners want some more geranium excitement.
The trailing plant with the red beins is Autumnale Fuchsia, an annual in these parts. More info on it here: http://www.provenwinners.com/plants/fuchsia/autumnale-fuchsia-hybrid. Sorry to hear about failing geraniums in your area. I am trying out one of them this season... so far so good...fingers crossed.
Cherry, I love the way your gardens move... the Hakonechloa adds such a dream-like quality to the overall vision. The different textures, colors, shapes and sizes all add to the quiet beauty. And you have wonderful scents, too? You are one lucky woman, my friend. BTW, your newly planted pot is a winner. I love the subtle color combos. You are also using one of my favorite trailers... Fushia Autumnale. It is an awesome plant in containers that I can rarely get my hands on in Denver ;( What a lovely treat for a Monday morning.
Thanks very much Sheila! That's why I say trust in landscape/garden designers - they will make such a difference when a garden is planned. We love our garden more each year.
I had a feeling that orange is one of your favorite colors for container gardens. Lucky enough to have found Autumnale Fuchsia this year... not seen those in the nurseries before. Wondering what you're garden looks like in Denver and hope we get a virtual tour very soon.
Here's to more happy gardening days and more days to sit down and enjoy the garden!
We've been in Chicago for a wedding and seeing old friends and family for the last 5 days so I'm just hoping I have gardens and container plants left when I return... hail has been non-stop this season. My deck plants were tucked away, so fingers crossed. You'll see down the road if photos are worth taking!
No doubt in my mind that your containers will be no less than original and amazing. Fingers and toes crossed for you and a short dance to the hail gods! Who takes care of your containers when you're out playing? Care to share some self-watering secrets with me?
PS I think I will always have Sheila Schultz-itis for containers. Is it incurable meander1?
I have a young neighbor that has been watering for me for the last 6 years. She's awesome, but this trip was tricky since everything was safely stashed under tables, etc., in case it hailed while we were gone. 6 days is a long time... I'm in the 'whatever' mode. It's been a very long hail season this year.
Mother Nature can be so unforgiving. Where do you hide your car when it hails?
Gotta find me a young neighbour then...
Have a great trip!
PS Reread my middle post - it should read "no less than original and amazing." My apologies.
Have your Fuchsia Autumnale bloomed yet? They are a lovely surprise.
Nope, no signs of it (do you think it might be too cold here?). Looking forward if it does. Thanks for the tip.
Usually happens at the end of the summer... they look like regular pink fuchsia flowers! Not an orange tinge to them ;)
Beautiful Cherry! Your containers are always gorgeous. The new peach begonia combo is a great one, as is the little herb hypertufa pot. Add Japanese maples, Hakone grass and lilacs for fragrance - wonderful!
Thank you GrannyMay! As a previous issue of FG declare. "Peach goes with everything!" Thought I would try two new things this gardening year: hypertufa and growing from seeds. We'll see how it goes at the end of summer. How does your garden grow? Please send some updates.
Where to begin? So many lovely combinations, textures, colors, scents?! I am enamored by the old fashioned primrose! The Japanese Maples oooh ahhh not hardy enough to grow here but I think I must try at least once!
I'm curious, where do you live Kathy? Japanese maple expert in these parts is Doug Justice of UBC. Perhaps send me an e-mail query as to what would work best in your area?
Was just admiring the Giant Cowslip/Primula florindae in the frontyard today. Fragrant too! Have a great week!
Gorgeous Cherry! Your use of colors and textures is rock-star amazing. Hmmm, maybe more like plant-star amazing. I would love to learn your tricks with pots. I plant mine every year with the best of intentions and they never develop into the lush, full, architectural-quality of yours. Maybe you could give a virtual class? Thanks for allowing a walkthrough your garden this morning.
Thanks Annek! Not sure what I can teach you as I have seen photos of your spectacular sprawling gardens. I know I learned a lot of Todd Holloway's article on FG and to save $$, we try to use perennials for thrillers and at times fillers. By using perennials, we are able to make the container last for the entire year with some modifications through the warm and cold weather months.
I would love to have a walkthrough of your garden too. I can imagine and smell all the flowers. Hope we can enjoy that real soon. Happy Summer!
Ahhh, good advice. I think I'll practice with a perennial pot. A fabulous summer to you, as well.
Forgot to mention this - there should be minimal soil showing when you plant up a pot. Not necessarily crowded but the foliage of the plants should be enough to cover the rim of the pot. Though I have seen some tabletop containers where they cover some of the soil with reindeer moss and they actually look fabulous.
Phoenix perennials says to top the perennial containers with a layer of sea soil and I do use used up fabric softener to cover the drainage hole of the pot.
It's those type of tips that are invaluable. The foliage covering the rim of the pot is to prevent water evaporation, I assume? The dryer sheet is sheer (ha!) brilliance
Never thought of it that way but maybe. Not showing soil is more of a guideline for perennial containers, not annual containers. I always leave a lot of room for annuals to grow at the start of the planting season especially because I always start with small plantings. Happy gardening Annek!
Fantastic! Thanks for sharing and especially for telling us what is in each photo. The containers are magnificent!
Thank you Mary!
Truly spectacular !!!!!
Thanks Cenepk10!
Cherry ~ Thanks for brightening this morning with your wonderful gardens. The colors are amazing! I looked back at past pictures of your pots and they are so lush and beautiful.
I would love to wander thru your gardens and really enjoy the scents and beauty but the pictures are really great so I will look at them once again. Thank you.
Thank you Meelianthus! It's fun to talk to fellow gardeners. I, too, go back and look through past posts for inspiration and tips. Such a great website and network for all gardeners everywhere. What's growing in your garden right now? Hope to have a walkthrough soon. Jeff's on tomorrow so I am hoping that all the regulars are featured this week. What say you Michelle?
Cherry, I didn't know that you were 'Perennially crazy'. fun. Yes, this is a great website and Michelle has created a real haven for all lovers of gardens and green stuff. My gardens are bursting right now due to our mild Spring, rain, sun, rain, sun. Probably very similar to yours in BC. I am presently getting ready to be on the Garden Conservancy's Open Days Tour this Sunday - and rather overwhelmed right now I might add!
Nice to correspond with you. LS WA state
I can imagine how lush your garden looks right now. We have been lucky here at the Pacific Northwest. Congratulations on being chosen for the Garden Conservancy's Open Days Tours! Hats off to you. Hope to see you at the Flower show next year??
Absolutely beautiful
Thanks Whilma!
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