Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTOS! A living table in Oregon

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Kate Doctor

Today’s photos are from Kate Doctor in Lake Oswego, Oregon. Kate says, “This is a living table I saw last week at Bauman’s Farm Market in Gervais, Oregon. The center is planted with lettuces and edible flowers and the ends with strawberries. There is a trough for water running down the center with a recirculator through the pot at right. Clever–you can pick your own dinner!”

Fascinating and lovely! And I think I may just have to move to Gervais, Oregon, though that could get a bit confusing…

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Kate Doctor

***Keep sending in your garden photos, folks! As with the last 3 days, I’ll choose 2 people randomly from all of the people who send in pics today to receive a free gardening book! Email me at [email protected].***


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  1. User avater
    meander_michaele 05/18/2012

    What a fun, novel idea! Oh, sure, there might be some practical considerations that could make it have a downside in actual use but the idea and look of it is so darn appealing. I'm a sucker for creativity.

  2. tractor1 05/18/2012

    Obviously lumber country; neat hefty table with great tree stump legs, and love that seating.

  3. sheilaschultz 05/18/2012

    Gee Michelle, if you take the flowers out of the mix, could this be a Fine Gardening Container Challenge entry this year? Not a classic container, but... very cool!

  4. summersbreezes 05/18/2012

    What a lovely way to have lunch in the garden-- or brunch-- or just coffee -- love it.

  5. AnnieRedBird 05/18/2012

    Big bouquet of thanks to Kate Doctor for submitting a photo of our design. What an honor! We took the farm-to-table movement a step further for "Farm AT Table". Serving up good food (and gardening) right to your fingertips, providing soothing sounds of water and reclaiming local materials - symbolic nod to the hardworking farms in the Oregon Willamette that feed our community. It's my hope that visitors (and viewers) enjoy this restorative, universally accessible design... and consider possibilities to restore outdoors.

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