Garden Photo of the Day

Proof that a garden is never finished

Kriss' garden has a rich 30 year history, proving that a garden is never truly finished!

"My name is Kriss Gandier.  I have enjoyed the Fine Gardening pictures for many years, especially during the cold winter months when I have more time and can’t enjoy my own gardening.  I am from Cambridge, Ontario, Canada.  I have been gardening for the past 30 years at this present location.  When we moved here in 1985 there was one variegated euonymus in front of our front picture window and a wooden triangle which framed 3 young spruce trees.  The back yard was all grass, no fence, and a field with 5 foot tall thistles along our property line.  I started digging out flower beds and kept going that first year into November, until it started to snow.  Now I have garden beds around every side of the house and also all along all sides of the fence.  I’m afraid I’ve run out of room now, so I continue to make improvements and try to squeeze new plants in where there is still space.  I can hardly wait for spring every year as I have many bulbs and love to see the lush foliage of young plants and my many Hostas starting to unfurl and my primroses and columbines and heucheras in bloom. There have been many changes over the years and I would love to share my garden’s evolution with you.  I have many early printed photos of my garden in its early stages, but I will have to try to scan them onto my computer.  I will send some pictures I have on computer discs starting in 2007 and make further submissions of other years. The picture with the cement patio stones and fire pit used to be an area for 2 fenced in kennel runs for my daughters Jack Russell terriers.  Today that is all dug out and a pondless waterfall and garden is in its place."

Have a garden you'd like to share? Please email 5-10 photos (and a brief story about your garden) to [email protected], or tag your photos on Instagram or Twitter with #FineGardening!

Whether you've never shared before or you've been featured multiple times, we want to see your garden! You don't have to be a professional garden photographer – check out our garden photography tips!

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Hey, is anyone going to the Northwest Flower & Garden show? If so, please stop by our booth (in the seminar space) and say hi!

View 12 comments


  1. diane_lasauce 01/21/2016

    Love the whimsy in your gardens...very pretty indeed. Thanks for sharing. Gives me hope for my 15 YO gardens!

  2. User avater
    meander_michaele 01/21/2016

    Good morning, Kriss, thanks for introducing us to your lovely garden. It's so nice to see all the happy bright colored flowers esp. since, at the moment, I am looking out on a blanket of snow. Your variegated euonymus/clematis combo is stellar and, speaking of, is the original euonymus still living? Your yard seems to be the star of your street and I'm sure your efforts are muchly appreciated by your neighbors. Looking forward to your future pictures.

  3. ginnystokes 01/21/2016


  4. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 01/21/2016

    It's wonderful to grow with your garden, isn't it Kriss? It will be fun to see some views over the years. I'm crazy about your primroses: so healthy! Even though Heavenly Blue morning glory is easy to grow and easy to come by, it is a showstopper with that glorious color.
    Is the big rock in the background of the last picture in your neighbor's yard? If so, maybe a few of us could come up with a big dolly and move it into your yard so you can plant around it!

  5. user-4691082 01/21/2016

    Wow, Kriss, great job. I especially like your mushrooms because my husband is a mushroom grower! The morning glories are so lush. Do you find them to be invasive? Beautiful !

  6. annek 01/21/2016

    Morning glories reign! Spectacular garden with all the right elements. Love your sense of whimsy, Kriss (the spectacled, bow-tied fellow is charming). Great colors to behold on this cold, grey, snow-laden morning. Thanks!

  7. GrannyMay 01/21/2016

    Great job Kriss! I love the flowing lines of your flowerbeds and the rampant growth of the morning glories. The combinations of tall tulips with dwarf iris and tall iris with shorter plants work beautifully! And your chair-man makes me smile. I hope you will send more photos of the transition years. I'd love to see how the garden has evolved.

  8. sheila_schultz 01/21/2016

    Kriss, your morning glories are most definitely glorious, and your clematis is absolutely lush! Your photos have brought the possibility of a colorful Spring to the GPOD'rs on a wintry day... thanks, we needed this!

  9. GrannyCC 01/21/2016

    Wonderful job Kriss. What a lot of work you have done over the years. Love the Morning Glory and Clematis. Love to see more pictures.

  10. schatzi 01/21/2016

    That is one happy clematis! Beautiful. Love the iris, tulips, primulas - all of it. Beautiful.

  11. User avater
    HelloFromMD 01/21/2016

    Hi Kriss, everything looks so healthy and colorful. Picture perfect. No wonder you can hardly wait for the garden to awaken. I would love to see some photos of your pond less waterfall. Your last photos is divine with the lupins and yellow alliums peeking out behind the gorgeous iris!

  12. wGardens 01/21/2016

    Lovely! And that close-up of the morning glories? Enchanting! The Iris... the clematis... all! Wonderful! Thanks for sharing!

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