Garden Photo of the Day

Pretty Perennials

Donna Bruns shares her pretty perennial garden. Send us your garden photos from your favorite season!

"My perennial garden is located in a small community in western Nebraska."

Have a garden you'd like to share? Please email 5-10 photos (and a brief story about your garden) to [email protected], or tag your photos on Instagram or Twitter with #FineGardening!

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View 19 comments


  1. user-3565112 12/04/2015

    These are some very nice photos with some interesting plants. If you could tell me the names of the red plants in the background of the 1st. photo & the foreground of the 2nd I'd appreciate it. The photo with the butterfly steals the show. Good luck , Joe

  2. User avater
    meander_michaele 12/04/2015

    Wow, Donna, the vibrancy of your flowers' colorfulness is practically eye popping. They are like action words in a comic book...KAPOW...BLAM... ZAP!! Thanks for waking me up...better than a strong cup of coffee. All your combinations are just gorgeous.

  3. NCYarden 12/04/2015

    Well this is a bright and vibrant welcome to the day. What a delight. Those yellows and oranges are especially warming on this chilly morning here. Thanks for sharing and brightening the day.

  4. VikkiVA 12/04/2015

    Beautiful photography of beautiful flowers. The 6th picture with the bee and the butterfly is amazing! Vikki in VA

  5. clculp1961 12/04/2015

    Beautiful Donna Bruns, "Thanks!" for sharing the visit to Your Garden. If You have any extra seeds or bulbs, then yes Please send some my way. Beautiful the butterflies must love to visit... Chris~

  6. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 12/04/2015

    Oh no, Donna! Now you've got me thinking of summer already! Great colors, especially on those zinnias, and it thrills me to see the photos of the monarchs. I recently read an article that there are good hopes of conservation efforts restoring the monarch population. Your garden is helping!
    Love the California poppy!

  7. User avater
    HelloFromMD 12/04/2015

    Hi Donna, your garden is so successful in beauty, color, health, and support of the monarchs! Your plants are so healthy. I don't see any powdery mildew on your bee balm or zinnias! Fungal disease is the bane of us who garden on the East Coast. I would love to know the name of that gorgeous red outfacing lily. Also the yellow flower the monarch is enjoying. I would love to add them to my garden. Happy holidays.

  8. GrannyMay 12/04/2015

    Lovely summer colour, Donna! I'm always happy to see Monarchs, as they remind me of my childhood years when they were the most common butterfly around.

  9. GrannyCC 12/04/2015

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful garden Donna. Makes everyone dream of summer. I love the Zinnias and must grow more next year. They have such wonderful colours.

  10. greengenes 12/04/2015

    I can almost feel the warmth of summer! Beautiful colors and plantings. Donna you take wonderful pictures! Now those zinnias steal the show for me. My favorite annual for sure. I cant seem to grow them very well here, maybe not hot enough... Thanks for opening up your gardens! Lovely!

  11. Cenepk10 12/04/2015

    That's right pretty !!! You know those are my favorites !!!! Who knew Nebraska was so lush… I always imagine cowboys and tumbleweeds and indians

  12. User avater
    gringopeligroso 12/04/2015

    LOVE the Maximillian Sunflower in the last photo!! I've been meaning to add that native perennial to my gardens for some seasons, now. It blooms for us just after the summer doldrums, when the World is re-awakening and offering one last show before turning in for the Winter!! And, your Goldenrod next to your Castor beans....BRILLIANT!! ( I aim to steal your idea, just so you know!! )

  13. sheila_schultz 12/04/2015

    What a delightful explosion of color in your gardens, Donna! Each and every combination is more fun than the last! Love it!!!

  14. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 12/04/2015

    Beautiful photos, Donna. You have so many of my favorites, well favorites until I see something new that I must have:) Zinnias always capture me because they were in my mom's garden and the California Poppy. Love those and have had no success growing them even though they seem to come up in every ditch near me. I can only blame it on bad seeds for so long.....

  15. n2hostas 12/04/2015

    Beautiful pictures, really good job on composition

  16. user-7007911 12/04/2015

    What a beautiful garden, thanks for sharing...

  17. user-1020932 12/04/2015

    lovin' all this intense color especially since my place is pretty much black and white now,,,,,,,thanks!

    1. Meelianthus 12/05/2015

      you have snow now Jeff !?

  18. Meelianthus 12/05/2015

    Really beautiful Donna. I love the brilliant purple and yellow together in the 3rd photo. Very refreshing on this dark, dank day.

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