Garden Photo of the Day

October in Ontario

The glory of fall color in the north!

I am Alice from Sweaburg, Ontario, Canada, and I wanted to share with you how blessed we have been this year with great fall weather and gorgeous fall colors.

maple with fall foliageMy sister has a big maple like this on each side of her house.

sugar maple with fall foliageThe neighbor’s gorgeous sugar maple (Acer saccharum, Zones 3–8) has had its beautiful colors for a while already.

front yard fall gardenHere’s our front yard. We have had some frost, but the flowers are hanging in there, and the red grasses are still beautiful red.

autumn colors in the front gardenEverything in the front yard is putting on its best autumn colors.

orange mumThis orange mum (Chrysanthemum hybrid) is a rescue. People throw them out, and I sometimes take some home from the city depot and plant them. The odd one survives, like this one. 

fallen leaves in a garden bedThe first appearance of the many leaves we will get, but cleaning them all up is something to do outside now that lots of other things have been canceled because of COVID.


Have a garden you’d like to share?

Have photos to share? We’d love to see your garden, a particular collection of plants you love, or a wonderful garden you had the chance to visit!

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  1. User avater
    treasuresmom 10/27/2020

    Oh, my, goodness! Just beautiful!!!

  2. user-783091 10/27/2020


  3. katherine_8 10/27/2020

    Hi Alice. Fellow Canadian here. Those photos are just gorgeous!! I love how your front yard is so rich in various colours, sizes of plants, and textures. I wish it could be fall / autumn all year long :)

  4. User avater
    cynthia2020 10/27/2020

    Lovely front garden, Alice. I liked the mum rescue story, too. What a success!

    Am trying to work with spindly butterfly bush I plucked from the sale rack.

    1. alicefleurkens 10/27/2020

      Thanks for your comments. That's is one thing i want to get. A butterfly bush.

  5. User avater
    simplesue 10/27/2020

    One of the prettiest gardens in autumn ever!
    Love the orange "rescue" mum next to the purple flowers.
    And to think someone tossed it out when it has so much to offer if someone would just plant it like you did!
    Nice landscaped garden in front of the house!

  6. fromvirginia 10/27/2020

    Stunning...thanks for sharing. I am planting a sugar maple next week. Had to leave a very mature one in my old garden. Your picture has made me glad I am planting one albeit much smaller!

  7. hazyhill 10/27/2020

    I love how you have terraced your hilly front lawn. Less lawn care and more beauty!

    1. alicefleurkens 10/27/2020

      My husband does the lawn with the riding mower. To scary for me on those Hills.

  8. btucker9675 10/27/2020

    Stunning garden! I'm also a plant rescuer - back when we lived in NJ, a neighbor had thrown away a little blue spruce after Christmas. I picked it up from the curb and planted it down by the small creek and pond in our backyard. When we moved away 4 years later, it was about 6 feet tall and beautiful! Rescue pets and plants!

    1. alicefleurkens 10/28/2020

      Thank you for your comments. Yours is a wonderful story. Whenever we bring away leaves etc. to the city yard at this time of year, I am also checking if there is nice stuff for Christmas arrangements. The gloves and pruners are in the van.

  9. User avater
    bdowen 10/27/2020

    Love the plant rescue story! And your sugar maples- such a beautiful tree. Thanks for sharing your garden.

    1. alicefleurkens 10/27/2020

      thanks For your comments. The sugar maple are the neighbours. One one the left. One on the right. We have red maples . They were all there when we moved in 16 years ago.

  10. wittyone 10/29/2020

    Somehow. my post didn't get posted the other day.

    I just wanted to say that I love the landscaping of your front yard. The curvy bottom bed echoing the upper bed near the entrance with all that lovely lawn between is just beautiful.

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