Garden Photo of the Day

New Jersey at it’s finest!

There is a reason they call New Jersey the Garden State! There's also a reason they call John Markowski an Obsessive Neurotic Gardener (that's a good thing!).

"I'd like to share some recent photos from my garden. The recent FG article about creating a "peak" really resonated with me as I now realize my garden is in a peak."

Keep sending in photos, everyone! Whether you've never shared before or you've been featured multiple times, we want to see your garden! Email a few photos and the story behind your garden to [email protected].

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Redtwig Dogwood

Ninebark Amber Jubilee

Front Bed

Amsonia Ice

Moth on Baptisia

View 37 comments


  1. perenniallycrazy 06/30/2015

    I'm so excited with your return posts John. I absolutely love your garden and today's photos are as stunning as the previous but with a very different flavor. As usual, it leaves me wanting to see even more. Can we possibly have a day 2 of your gardens? What is the secret to such vibrant and healthy plants?

    For those who want to take a shortcut and revisit John's garden, here are the links:

    1. jmarkowski 06/30/2015

      Thanks so much for the props! Would love to do a day 2 if possible. Have a lot of additional pics to share. The secret to the vibrancy? Probably luck and a lot of rain and planting what my conditions tell me to plant.

    2. Meelianthus 06/30/2015

      Thanks for these postings Cherry. It really helped lazy me! ^_^

  2. NCYarden 06/30/2015

    Awesome full garden, John. Is that Amsonia really that dwarf...I love it...gotta try to get that in my garden. The low long shot of Veronica spears is pleasant...that's a great shot, and they all look so tidy. Thanks for sharing.

    1. jmarkowski 06/30/2015

      It is really that dwarf but they are only about 2-3 years in at this point so we'll see how much bigger they get. I love the Veronica because they stay upright and continue to bloom after I shear them back. Thanks for the kind words!

  3. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 06/30/2015

    Stellar, John! love having another view of your garden. It really is at a peak. Are the pink spear- like fowers with the nepeta another veronica? Really shows that this is a nurtured and loved garden.

    1. jmarkowski 06/30/2015

      Hi Tim, Yes, the pink flowers are another Veronica, 'First Love'. Thanks so much for the kind words.

  4. wGardens 06/30/2015

    Wonderful! Those Veronica are fabulous! And great shot of the moth on the Baptisia! Thanks for sharing.

    1. jmarkowski 06/30/2015

      Thanks Margaret! Veronica just seem to thrive for me and I only originally planted them because of a clearance sale. Guess you never know until you try it out.

  5. User avater
    meander_michaele 06/30/2015

    Hi, John, looks like you are a master in rhythm and blues...dancing grasses and a wonderful diversity of perennials striking the notes of blue. That "Amsonia Ice' does look like a gem..does it also have eye catching fall color like it's taller relative? Love all the repeating veronica and catamint. And you already know I'm a huge fan of your 'Amber Jubilee' nine bark.

    FYI... the title Obsessive Neurotic is the name of John's wonderfully entertaining mostly about gardening blog. Seriously, if you want to smile and learn at the same time time, become a regular reader of it.

    1. jmarkowski 06/30/2015

      Thanks so much Michaele! I can't tell you how much I appreciate all of your kind words each and every post! 'Amber Jubilee' continues to look phenomenal, hopefully I've disguised it well enough so the deer blow by it.

    2. user-7007140 06/30/2015

      Thank you for the blog site info, Michaele. I followed the photography link from John's blog and found lots of great tips which I am certainly going to try. ( very entertaining man, is John).

  6. Cenepk10 06/30/2015

    Garden state indeed !!! 2 days in a row ! Ahhhhh... Such a pretty garden. I just love Veronica & Baptista & all the rest. So green & lush

    1. jmarkowski 06/30/2015

      Thank so much Cenepk10! I always love to hear "lush" as that is the ultimate goal. Plus it crowds out the weeds as well.

  7. Cenepk10 06/30/2015

    Yes !!! And I've enjoyed your blog !

  8. annek 06/30/2015

    Beautiful blues, john. What a delightful garden. A short note as I must go visit your blog!

    1. jmarkowski 06/30/2015

      Thanks Annek! I enjoy the blues more and more as the years go on.

  9. darylsavage 06/30/2015

    Hey John, where do you live in Joisey? I am up in Sparta and all the plants you show are finished for me except for veronica which doesn't even have buds yet. I have 'blue star' amsonia which looks very similar to 'ice' and I love it. Seems to get bigger every year. I know 'hubrechtii' is the award winner because of the foliage, but I think the flowers are much prettier on 'ice' and 'blue star.' I also covet ninebark. I planted 'diablo' two years ago, and unfortunately the deer graze it even though it is supposed to be deer resistant. The old they don' read the lists of plants they are not supposed to eat. I am now thinking about planting 'coppertina' which is on sale at a garden center near me right now! Thanks for sharing!

    1. jmarkowski 06/30/2015

      Hi Daryl, I am in Hunterdon County, near Frenchtown. I have Amsonia tabernaemontana and hubrichtii and have to say I prefer tab to date. Better blooming but the jury is still out. The deer do get my Ninebark as well but I've found a few spots for them that the deer cannot locate. So far so good.

  10. thevioletfern 06/30/2015

    What a wonderful way to flow into the day ... you have wonderful waves of color, textures. Such a soothing, fulfilling garden. Thank you for sharing.

    1. jmarkowski 06/30/2015

      Thanks Kathy!! Truly appreciate the kind words.

  11. GrannyMay 06/30/2015

    Great photos John! I especially Love the Veronica and Ninebark. I follow your very informative and always entertaining blog. Keep on sharing!

    1. jmarkowski 06/30/2015

      Thank you so much!! Thrilled to have you visiting so often.

  12. jmarkowski 06/30/2015

    Thanks Diane! I love blue and I'm finding more and more that blue/purple flowers like my conditions. Win/Win!

  13. GrannyCC 06/30/2015

    Beautiful garden and photos. Love all the blues. Your Veronica is so stately and such a vibrant colour next to the greens.

    1. jmarkowski 06/30/2015

      Thanks! Green is a great color isn't it? Always underrated.

  14. schatzi 06/30/2015

    That Amber Jubilee ninebark is stunning. They sure have come up with some pretty ones. I also love blue in the garden and use a lot of campanula and salvia - love 'em both. And yours are gorgeous too. Lovely garden.

    1. jmarkowski 06/30/2015

      Thank you Shirley. I can't get enough blue as well and also have campanula and salvia with only the salvia holding on at this point.

  15. ILfarmersdaughter 06/30/2015

    Hi Jon. I love your beautiful garden. The Veronica plants are stunning. I bet the butterflies and bees love visiting your garden. The amber jubilee nine bark is very attractive too. Another plant I must have. Thank you for sharing your peaceful garden.

    1. jmarkowski 06/30/2015

      Thank you! It is definitely bee filled this time of year and I can't say enough good things about Amber Jubilee.

  16. Meelianthus 06/30/2015

    Hello John ~ Not only are your flowers wonderful but your photograph is amazing. I just love the moth on the Baptisia, stunning! I checked back on the postings that PC posted, all of your grasses are just beautiful. I can just imagine them swaying in the breeze. You have created some really great gardens, you must be out there every day. Your love of gardening certainly shines through.

    1. jmarkowski 06/30/2015

      Thank you! The grasses are shaping up nicely as we speak and will be the feature over the next few months.

  17. user-7007140 06/30/2015

    Very lush and gorgeous, John.
    Your Veronica's are very well behaved - I love my white one but it is romping madly! I think our gardens share the same type of "earth" for the plants and conditions, including the deer, seem very familiar to me. It is nice to find someone's garden to relate to and which is so very successful. Haven't heard of your blog, but just guess what I'm going to do now?

    1. jmarkowski 06/30/2015

      Good to hear Eddi! So far so good on my Veronicas. Thanks for checking out the blog, always awesome to get a new reader and a fellow deer gardener!

  18. user-1020932 06/30/2015

    crazy day and i'm only now looking at gpod and i am glad i did. John, i always love seeing your garden featured and now i feel as if i need to increase the "blues" here at home. love that Ninebark too, one of my favorite shrubs. thanks for submitting these photos / they are a real treat

    1. jmarkowski 06/30/2015

      Thanks Jeff. My blues have increased greatly as well this year. Love them.

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