Garden Photo of the Day

More from Rokas’ garden in LIthuania

Remember visiting Rokas Bernotas' garden in Lithuania last week? (Refresh your memory HERE.) Well he's back today with a few more photos! He says, "I am so glad that pictures of my garden were liked by readers of your magazine. Big surprise that you have readers in whole world. Gardening is such a hobby that unites. Actually gardening is quite popular in Lithuania. Many farms have been transformed by city dwellers. Here are a few more pictures." Beautiful, Rokas, yet again! It's great to see your flower beds–is that your wife's work, or do you have a hand in it, too? Thanks so much for the additional photos–please feel free to send more any time.

Send me photos of YOUR garden! Email me at [email protected]

Come and meet up at the  Northwest Flower and Garden Show this year!

I'm scheduled to give another GPOD talk (A few of you will be getting emails in the next two weeks as I put together the slideshow…), and a number of people have emailed to say that they'll be at the show, and that they'd love to meet up with a bunch of fellow GPODers!

The RSVPs so far:

Glenda Curdy (Nurserynotnordstrom)
Tia Scarce
Jeanne Cronce (Greengenes)
Sheila Schultz
Shirley Graves
Chris Niblack (ChrisSeattle)
Kielian DeWitt (Annek)
Linda Skyler (Meelianthus)
Kathy Schuler

So…who else is going to be there?? Let us all know in the comments, and we can start planning an outing! Perhaps after-dinner drinks one night at the bar at the Sheraton?  I'll repeat this announcement for the next week or so, at least, and keep a running list of who's coming….enticement for even more people to come. Oh, and when you comment to say you'll be there, give us your real name so that I can plan name tags that include both that and your screen name…

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View 50 comments


  1. user-1020932 01/26/2015

    Rokas, Rokas, Rokas, i am loving your place even more seeing these additional photos. i want to sit at that table and eat strawberries

    1. user-7007371 01/30/2015

      Jeff, this is a nice place to relax. And then to go to do some gardening. And in the evening to sit with a glass of wine and to watch birds, sunrays, wind moving tops of trees. ..

  2. perenniallycrazy 01/27/2015

    A different flavor and beautiful Rokas! I love the serenity of your garden.

    1. user-7007371 01/30/2015

      You know, when I come to this place, I relax. There is overwhelming tranquility there. But it is not a paradise, - there are many mosquitoes. Many birds as well...

      1. perenniallycrazy 02/01/2015

        What do you do about mosquitoes? I am curious. Any suggestions are welcome.

        1. user-7007371 02/02/2015

          Hmm, best answer was given by famous gardener when asked what he does with moles. He said I am angry at them :) The same about mosquitoes. I try not to pay attention. When we sit on the benches we light some herbs with aromatic smoke.

          1. perenniallycrazy 02/03/2015

            My hubby relies on me to attract mosquitoes when we are outside... I guess I have to keep looking for answers.

          2. user-7007371 02/03/2015

            I sometimes put aromatic oils on open skin. It helps a bit.

  3. Nurserynotnordstroms 01/27/2015

    Yes Jeff,that's what I was thinking yum sit and eat strawberries and enjoy the expansive views yet again another set of great photos Rokas,thank you for sharing these with all of us.

    1. user-7007371 01/30/2015

      I am very glad that you can feel serenity of this garden :)

  4. user-7007362 01/27/2015

    Early morning mist rising from the river, a stone patio awaits lunch guest, White Wagtail foraging through the strawberry patch, dahlias dot the gardens and the aroma of pine needles as you near the forest. You have captured the essence of your property beautifully Rokas. It must give you great joy as you work toward the goals you invision. Can you hear us all taking deep breaths as we view it's serenity?

    1. user-7007371 01/30/2015

      Sometimes I feel like an artist. I try to remove unnecessary things. And then to add what I feel is missing. The place is in development still. It changes every year. My aim is to make several spacious areas. Some plants die. Some plants prosper, they need trimming. But it is so pleasant to be there...

    2. user-7007371 02/02/2015

      You said touching words. It so pleasant that I could share images of my place :) And believe me, in reality it is much more beautiful. I relax in the garden.

  5. VikkiVA 01/27/2015

    What Terie said! So lovey. Vikki inVA

    1. user-7007371 02/02/2015

      It was nice place. And now we are making it beautiful :)

  6. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 01/27/2015


    1. user-7007371 02/02/2015

      You are right. Sometimes I stop and for a moment do nothing. I dissolve in the nature.

  7. User avater
    meander_michaele 01/27/2015

    Ah, Rokas, the birds and the butterflies have the right idea...get on over to your beautiful property and enjoy all that it has to offer..fresh flowers, fruits, vegetables (I'm sure you have a vegetable garden) and wonderful peace and quiet. Thanks so much for inviting us also for a visit...even if its just a cyber one.

    1. user-7007371 01/30/2015

      Yes, there are many butterflies, bumblebees, birds, frogs, toads there. I counted around 20 different sorts of birds. One of best moments is to pick ripe apple, covered with dew in the morning...

      1. User avater
        meander_michaele 01/30/2015

        Sounds like heaven on and your family are very blessed.

        1. user-7007371 02/02/2015

          When working in the garden I stop often and just enjoy the views. Observe birds or clouds. There are many mushrooms in the forest. So nice to pick them and later fry them.

  8. wGardens 01/27/2015

    Lovely photos again! Great bird shot! I just love that set of table and benches! Did you make them?

    1. user-7007371 01/30/2015

      The table and benches were made by master. We put them inside flower area of the garden. We have spent many nice evenings sitting with glasses of wine and chatting with friends.

  9. kathegardens 01/27/2015

    Beautiful gardens! It is so much fun to gardens from around the world, in countries we have no concept of. A great way to find common ground between folks all over the world. What type of bird is that? I've never seen it here in North Carolina, USA

    1. user-7007371 01/30/2015

      Oh, sorry. I do not know the name of this bird in English. There several sorts of woodpeckers, swallows, nightingales there. In the riverr live swans and wild ducks. Stork came once to our garden :)

  10. annek 01/27/2015

    Absolutely charming! The perspective of your sweet garden is beautifully depicted through your photography. The lunch view is so very welcoming, it makes me want to sit there with a nice glass of wine and take in all the loveliness

    1. user-7007371 01/30/2015

      Yes, after a day gardening activities it so nice to sit there with a glass of wine or tasty Lithuanian beer :)

      1. annek 02/02/2015

        Mmmm! I'll be there Rokas!

        1. user-7007371 02/03/2015

          :) cheers!

  11. GrannyMay 01/27/2015

    Thanks for sending in more photos of your garden, Rokas. Love the flowers! Such a lovely place to enjoy when you can get out to the country - is it far from your home? Did you make the table and benches yourself? And is that black metal object a smoker or barbecue or oven? It is very interesting to see how things are done in Lithuania. So much is the same as here, even familiar plants and flowers, yet a subtle difference too.

    1. user-7007371 02/02/2015

      It looked like I have answered. But I do not see it. So I will repeat :) my garden is quite far, more than 100 km from my home. No, I am not a good carpenter. My hobby is gardening. The black object is for bbq. I have built another fireplace for bbq and steaming. What is nice, I can go outside to pine forest. The forest is like park.

      1. GrannyMay 02/02/2015

        Thank you for your answers. That is quite far to go but I can see it is worth the long drive. I hope you will have the time to spend many happy days there and in the pine forest once winter is over.

        1. user-7007371 02/02/2015

          I am making new plans for this summer. Black currants need relocation to more fertile and damp place. And I want to plant more apple trees. And flowers...

  12. GrannyCC 01/27/2015

    Beautiful flowers. Such a tranquil spot to enjoy nature. Thanks for sharing.

    1. user-7007371 01/30/2015

      I am glad that so many people like our garden :)

  13. satisfaction 01/27/2015

    Beautiful garden! What growing zone are you in? The dahlias are great! Do you know the name of the ornamental grass in the first picture? Thanks for sharing these with us.

    1. user-7007371 01/30/2015

      Well, we have quite cold winters. And during May frosts temperatures may drop to 10 degrees centigrade. The tall grass is some sort of miscantus. Dahlias are our new hobby :)

  14. schatzi 01/27/2015

    Beautiful. Handsome and very effective looking barbecue. My husband says the fire must draw really well with that tall smoke stack! Funny how people all over the world like to cook outside - must be genetic!

    1. user-7007371 01/30/2015

      Yes, fire draws quite strongly there. I have another place for bbq and stewing. I have made from bricks something like volcano. Big cattle is put on it. A few pieces of wood needed for a stew for 10 guests :)

  15. greengenes 01/27/2015

    Iam happy for you and your wife Rokas to have such a wonderful place to live in! Its all very nice and inviting. Beautiful! Thankyou for sharing with us!

    1. user-7007371 01/30/2015

      Some say it is a place blessed by god...But it needed a lot of work to become like this. And it us not the end. The garden changes each year.

  16. linnyg. 01/27/2015

    One of my favorite professors in college came from Lithuania so this is like bringing me home to his heartland. Such wonderful pictures - thank you for sharing. I know I would breath a bit slower and deeper in your gardens!

    1. user-7007371 02/02/2015

      Lithuania is really beautiful country. And my garden is in the center of the forest region. The idea is gradual movement from forest to ochard and flowers.

      1. linnyg. 02/02/2015

        You've done a great job!

        1. user-7007371 02/02/2015


  17. user-6939358 01/28/2015

    I like the picture of the White Wagtail.

    1. user-7007371 01/30/2015

      I have counted more than 20 sorts of birds. And there are so many bumblebees...

  18. Cenepk10 02/02/2015

    So charming !!!!! Love your garden !!!!

    1. user-7007371 02/02/2015

      It is so nice to work together with nature making this garden even more beautiful :) What is nice, it is spacious.

    2. user-7007371 02/02/2015

      It is really nice place. I try to balance old and young trees. And to make spaces cozy, not too big.

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