Garden Photo of the Day

More from Mark’s wonderful garden in Connecticut, Day 1

Remember when Mark Meyer gave us a tour of his garden in East Haddam a couple of weeks ago? (Refresh your memory HERE.) Well, he's back with more scenes! He sent in so many great snapshots that we'll finish up the week in his garden, both today and tomorrow. He says, "The comments on my garden from fellow gardeners warmed my heart beyond words." Mark, these photos are an even more personal look at your garden. I'm so glad you sent them. Hey Jeff Calton–there's one that's right up your alley!

Keep sending in photos, everyone! Whether you've never shared before or you've been featured multiple times, we want to see your garden! Email me at [email protected]. Thanks! -Michelle

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View 21 comments


  1. user-1020932 04/29/2015

    again, beauty and perfection at every turn i especially like that warty tree! and of course, i'm loving the chive head

  2. perenniallycrazy 04/30/2015

    Absolutely beautiful Mark! Can't wait for Day 2.

    1. user-7007552 05/03/2015

      A cozy palace.wonderful.

  3. User avater
    meander_michaele 04/30/2015

    Your pictures today, Mark, have a contemplative feel...kind of a behind the scenes look at things...the little moments that give a garden so much life and subtle beauty. I adore the aged and gnarly tree...ha, if only I could look upon my own signs of age with such amazed delight. Your upward growing vines are wonderfully vigorous. Is the one going up the birdhouse pole a climbing hydrangea type? Your cascade is perfection and has to be such a treat for visiting wildlife. Thanks for today's photos and looking forward to tomorrow's.

  4. NCYarden 04/30/2015

    Just an amazing garden. So many great features. Totally enthralled with the rough corky bark on that aged tree (Willow?) And the moonlight hydrangea, is that climbing the tree or the post, or both? Beautiful.

  5. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 04/30/2015

    Wow, Mark! Is it an optical illusion or are the grasses in the first photo truly enormous? The photo looking down the limb of the Japanese maple has the feel of a Japanese garden, and the rocky rill is just so cool. Looking forward to tomorrow's post.

  6. greengenes 04/30/2015

    Such a beautiful place! Job well done! I really like the grass area! To sit and listen as the breeze blows the grass would be a real treat! And what is with the trees truck? Looks pretty neat! Well once again I hope for you, Mark, a wonderful rest and a future place to dig a little in the dirt! Thanks for sharing with us!

  7. luvgardening24 04/30/2015

    wonderful pictures especially of the bird eggs. You have a real appreciation for nature as most gardeners do. What is that gorgeous grass showing in the first picture?

  8. caroldt 04/30/2015

    I have pinned a ton of your gorgeous images! Your garden is irresistible and my love for it huge! I adore the fun ending photo of your bare feet! I wish I were a poet and could express in metaphor the feelings inside me.

  9. GrannyMay 04/30/2015

    Nice to visit again Mark. Did you wear out your clogs? Or is it finally warm enough to enjoy going barefoot? You know spring has arrived when the robin babies are hatching. What are those amazing grasses? I love the look of everything covered with white blossoms. As you said in your previous post, it does look like snow. There is so much to enjoy in your garden: the warty (burly) willow trunk, the amazing vines, the chive pot-head in front of the giant rhubarb, the pool-side path and the lovely Japanese maples. Love it all Mark! I'm babbling like your brook!

  10. wittyone 04/30/2015

    How interesting. You have the best of both worlds: controlled, logical areas and wandering, let things do their own thing (at least to some degree) juxtaposed. Sort of yin and yang thing going there --- nicely balanced.

    The climbing hydrangea is gorgeous. How tall is that post that it is growing on-----looks very tall. Must have been a job putting that in place.

  11. GrannyCC 04/30/2015

    How inspiring your garden is. Lovely to behold. You mentioned that you didn't have a large piece of property but the way you have designed it makes it seem spacious as you move from one area to the next. Love the look of the magnolia in the Spring and winter. Your house is charming and I am sure it will be hard to leave all you have created in such a charming way.

  12. schatzi 04/30/2015

    Everything is beautiful, but that pond and stream are my dream garden. So beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

  13. leaves 04/30/2015

    I have just pinned the wonderful picture of the two giant grass clumps.
    What kind of grass is this? I'm looking into planting grasses now because they are probably the only plant the beavers in my lake won't eat...and of course, they're beautiful!

  14. Meelianthus 04/30/2015

    I can still hardly believe that all of this beauty is on only a 1/2 acre! However, I'm sure as you have worked it the past 20 years it seemed huge. It must be so difficult to leave this wonderful sanctuary that you have created but you will have beautiful memories. Thank you for sharing these great photos of your very charming home.

  15. user-7007505 04/30/2015

    Thank you all again for the kind words! I'll answer all of the questions here as several have been asked by more than one person.

    The large tree with all of those burly bumps is a Curly Willow. My favorite willow is the Japanese Fantail Willow. The stems are truly amazing and make for a dramatic arrangement. A poor photo shown below.

    The large grasses are some variety of Miscanthus grass. I'm sorry, but do not remember the variety. They are considered invasive here but I have little problem pulling out the seedlings and the field beyond our property is wetlands that get mowed annually so they really don't have much of a chance to spread. They do get to be about 8' tall by the end of the summer!

    The climbing hydrangea was given to me about 7 years ago. A 2' tall rooted sprig that a dear friend just tugged out of the ground. Once again I don't know the variety but the leaves and "petals" are both heart shaped. The "post" is actually a dead 12' stump of a native cherry tree. I just sawed of the top to make a flat surface to mount the birdhouse.

    I did not wear out my clogs. lol. I just like to be barefooted whenever possible.

    The picture of the Robin's nest was from last year but we get many every year. This one just happened to be at a level with a view. We were lucky to have had Baltimore Orioles nest here for about a decade, usually on the same branch every year. Being near the Connecticut River, wetlands, and hills brings with it a tremendous variety of birds. It's not uncommon to see a Bald Eagle or a group of 15 or more hawks soaring above. It truly i a paradise for the fauna which unfortunately includes moles, voles, snapping turtles, and an occasional groundhog. Deer can be a problem at times but I try to avoid planting their favorite foods. Oddly enough the deer tend to only nibble on only a few of my dozens and dozens of Hostas.

    I just had cervical spinal surgery last week (probably from lifting all of those stones over the years, ha!), so this spring's work will be done with the help of others for which I am very grateful.

    Thanks again Michelle for the opportunity to share my garden. I have subscribed to Fine Gardening magazine (the best one out there) for decades and much of my inspiration was derived from the countless creative gardeners within the pages of your publication.


    1. User avater
      Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 04/30/2015

      Best wishes on recovery from your surgery! Your garden really is grand!

      1. user-7007505 04/30/2015

        Thanks Tim. The first three days were a bear but my recovery has far exceeded my expectations. Day 10 post surgery and feeling great! Still need a month or so to heal properly so I am following the doctors orders.

        1. GrannyMay 05/01/2015

          Hang in there and follow doctors' orders. Years ago my sister was bedridden with her lower back problems, but the surgery gave her back her life. Eventually she was able to run again!

  16. davsav 05/01/2015

    Wonderful and Serene. Thanks for sharing.

  17. user-7007327 05/01/2015

    What a serene, wonderful place to live in . Would die for a creek.

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