Garden Photo of the Day

More from Bob and Claudia’s garden in Idaho

Remember visiting Bob Bloem and Claudia Lowry's gorgeous garden in Idaho on Friday? (refresh your memory HERE) Well they had so much fun reading all of your comments that they sent in more photos! Enjoy!

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View 21 comments


  1. perenniallycrazy 03/31/2015

    Thank you for caving to popular demand! ♥Hubba-hubba♥ - everything is so cheerful, warm, vibrant, inviting and perfect Bob and Claudia (even the grass!). I will be swooning over the first two photos for many days to come.

  2. User avater
    meander_michaele 03/31/2015

    Seems like there should be a color in the Crayola box called 'Idaho Green'...your lawn, ferns, mosses and bushes are so bright and invigorationg! And, are the vibrant pink flowers clumps of the peony 'Paula Fay? If so, let me sing its praises for its early blooms and strong stems. Everything is just so gorgeous and, not to sound like a greedy child, but we need even more pictures any time you feel like it. This is a garden that inspires a desire for many repeat visits.

  3. GrannyMay 03/31/2015

    Bob and Claudia, your garden is breath-taking from any angle! The eye is drawn from one lovely detail to the next along the sweeping curves of the lawn, the mossy stone path or the curvy wooden one, with the little accompanying stream and fountains adding more movement and sound to the rich tapestry. Beautiful!

    I am curious to know if the overall design was conceived at the beginning, or did it grow in bits and pieces? It certainly would have been a challenging job, whichever way it happened Thank you for sharing more of the results.

  4. user-7007083 03/31/2015

    Wow! I'm inspired--the flagstone path lined with alyssum is so inviting. Every picture made me gasp! Thanks for sharing your beautiful garden on a chilly and damp morning in Chicago.

  5. wGardens 03/31/2015

    Just lovely! The entry way is fab. And love the natural birdbath. What a find! Everything looks great! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Cenepk10 03/31/2015

    Beautiful !!! Who knew Idaho looked like that ???? So love the entry way and the colors and the whole place ! Wow !!!

  7. Cenepk10 03/31/2015

    What are the beautiful hot pink flowers ? Peonies ? Cant tell...

  8. sheila_schultz 03/31/2015

    Talk about 50 Shades of Green! Your gardens are are so lush, my jaw dropped. The sweeps of the white alyssum make the gorgeous entry path pop, and the moss... I just want to walk barefoot up to your door! The neon piece is very cool along with the green chairs, really, every detail is perfect!

  9. GrannyCC 03/31/2015

    Bob and Claudia your garden continues to amaze. I agree with meander there should be a special Idaho green, It certainly makes those peony's look vibrant. Love all the curves and winding pathways.
    I am curious do the summers get very hot and do you have in ground watering?

  10. eddireid 03/31/2015

    If someone doesn't ask you to design a garden or three, they jolly well should! I can't believe I was under the impression that Idaho is flat, but certainly no longer. Absolutely, incredibly beautiful. How in the world have you managed to grow a moss garden?
    I am in awe of it all - and the neon art work is punchy and perfect. I could spend days exploring your garden and bombarding you both with questions. Thank you for the extra pictures. So cool.

  11. NCYarden 03/31/2015

    I love it so much I almost can't take it. I have to get work done, but can't seem to look away. AWESOME!

  12. Jay_Sifford 03/31/2015

    A big 'ole swath of green is very appealing, especially at this time of year. I also like the way you've embraced your terrain. So many people are afraid of a three dimensional garden. Good work!

  13. katieerb 03/31/2015

    this is such a beautiful place, hard to believe they say it is hard to garden in their climate!

  14. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 03/31/2015

    So glad you've submitted more photos of you lush and beautiful garden. The 'aerial' view gives my brain a great, overall view of some of Friday's images. I love, love, love the walkway up to the awesome seating area. It looks like one of those big paint color sample books was fanned out at every corner. Is it wood? An artificial decking? Whatever it is, I feel delightfully tipsy looking at it. Storing that idea away!

  15. user-7007327 04/01/2015

    Oh, yes, oh, yes, I could live there. Love everything and what I wouldn't give for a creek.

  16. user-3198993 04/01/2015

    Beautiful! Just when I thought I was done designing my own garden, I realize I am not.
    I am so inspired!

  17. jrachelle 04/05/2015

    Doesn't it feel great at the end of the gardening day when your muscles ache, dirt is everywhere and you hose down before going inside. Gardening is Awesome.

  18. marylaniewski 05/12/2015

    This is a beautiful garden! Thank you for sharing.

  19. cotow98243 07/04/2021

    Keep fruits and vegetables in separate drawers in your fridge. Store tomatoes, apples, and bananas by themselves because they give off natural gases that can make nearby produce spoil faster

  20. cotow98243 07/04/2021

    Store fruit in the fridge to keep it fresh. If you prefer to eat room-temperature fruit, take out what you plan to eat during the day in the morning and set it in a bowl or on the counter.

  21. cotow98243 07/04/2021

    It’s usually best to wait to wash produce, especially things like berries, until right before you plan to use it. Storing wet produce can make it go bad quickly.

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