There are some welcome late season surprises in Tim Vojt's Ohio garden.
"My garden gets pretty tired as summer wears on. Annuals help to keep the show going and I do have a few plants that take center stage as the gardening season draws to a close. Some items surprise me by sending out new leaves and growth, like Rising Sun redbud and some of my chinese mayapples. I'm enjoying castor bean plants again this year. This is the first year I've tried Ricinus zanzibarensis. They aren't as big as they could be because I started them late, and you'll see that the one I planted on the property line did not grow fast enough to keep my neighbor's Hosta from frying to a crisp this hot summer. I also put in a short bluestone paver walkway to replace some weedy grass over Labor Day weekend. The grass looked ok, but the clippings got into my gravel garden every time I mowed, so it had to go!"
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Hey Tim - What a pleasant surprise today to see aspects of your 'bonzer' garden! It certainly doesn't look tired to me. Nice new bluestone pavers, and great curved brick path in your backyard. Love 'Shiny Shoes' and the 'Rising Sun' (FYI, a badge called the Rising Sun (not related to the plant) has special significance for Aussie diggers/soldiers). Cheers mate
I was surprised, too, Frank! I did know the post was probably coming. Careful choice of photos and angles hides a lot of the 'tired'.Thanks for the compliments. I'm pretty crazy about the brick path. It came together when my wife wanted a path, my neighbor divested himself of some bricks and I had some time in late winter to play around with designs on my computer.
So I'm curious about the significance of the Rising Sun badge, but far too lazy to look it up. What is the badge for?
Hi Tim - The badge was worn by our soldiers (known as diggers) in both WW 1 & 2, and is an integral part of the digger tradition. It is worn on the upturned side of slouch hats. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0e6ceaf678f4b6d6998adcbafbcd9eb12d860767b733156e8f74cd7cf3102021.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/734b1445d3cebbcff87911d29cf44467634c63bb3b913489f52306602eb6e64e.png
Thanks, frank. It is beautiful!
Interesting, Frank! Thanks for sharing!
The Rising Sun badge is cool. Love learning something each day.
So, is that your badge from serving in WW1? ?
Hi Kev. - sorry I should have explained it better - it started in WW1 and continues to be used by our diggers today as part of their uniforms. We have been allies with you guys in many conflicts so some of your guys in the armed forces may be familiar with the slouch hat and Rising Sun badge.
Looking snazzy as always! That Mangave is now on my list for 2017 (I gotta stop buying non hardy plants for myself) Picked up a few Rising Sun yesterday for fall planting, what are your thoughts on it's performance? Is that a Thunderhead pine beside the new pavers?
That xMangave is great and it is pupping like crazy. I'm wondering how it is going to affect the form and how it will continue to perform in a container. (And seriously, I, too, must stop buying tender plants that have to come in and out!)
Rising Sun was purchased this spring to replace a Japanese Maple that bit the dust, so I don't have much experience with it, other than that it has settled in and fared well in the horrible heat this year. It does get some shade.
And yes, Pinus thunbergii 'Thunderhead' next to the path. Love, love, love it. I'm doing a lot of de-candle-ing to keep it dense.
Great photos, Tim! Love your curving walk in the last photo. And that Gladiolus, hmmmm. So lovely. I may have to look for that one! That "Rising Sun" looks great also! My plant list is getting bigger....Wonderful Coleus specimens. What a great contrast variety the :Shiny Shoes' is! Love it all........
Thanks, Margaret. My plant list grows just about every GPOD post, too. That Glad is hardy and a winner: gorgeous color, nice foliage that lasts and never needs staking. Shiny Shoes is a new, no-regrets purchase this year. It looks almost oily in the shade and I am testing some cuttings in full sun now to see how it performs.
What is your source for the Hardy Glads? I had thought, because of the slender stems, that it might need staking.
Good luck with your cuttings. Hope they work out splendidly!
I bought mine from a now-closed nursery, but several carry them. Plant Delights usually has them; Far Reaches Farm has about five different ones in stock now. Because of their light-weight and delicate flowers, they stand quite upright; on rare occasions they lean. 'Boone' has become more and more available, so you might be able to source it elsewhere.
Thank you, Tim. I appreciate all the info that you provide in your comments and replies. Thanks for sharing your expertise!
Tim, You continue to lead the way with new plant introductions in your gardens. Coleus Shining Shoes is terrific & the Cyclamen Silver Leaf lights the way round the bend in your path. You keep raising the bar & surprising us with your posts & photography. Good luck, Joe
You are so kind, Joe. That Cyclamen is perhaps the most photographed (by me) plant in the garden. It bloomed this summer and is putting out another gorgeous flush of blooms right now.
Beautiful plant combinations, especially for this time of year. And I see that you and I share an affinity of podophyllums. Mine is more than an affinity, damn it... maybe your case isn't as bad as mine. Happy gardening, Tim!
Oh, Jay, I've been stuck in 'Year of the Podophyllum' for two years now. It's an expensive addiction. I had two, expensive P. delavayii up and die in the collecting frenzy. P. difforme has put up another awesome leaf since the photo in the post. It's a star! P. Galaxy is in the wire cage you can see at the top of the image I'm posting below.
It's a great time of year for gardening, Jay: Enjoy!
Good morning, Tim. always such a treat to start the day with a cyber stroll through your garden. Those new leaves on the 'Rising Son' are so bright and are positively energizing...I feel more awake just by looking at them...what an aptly named tree. Your bluestone paver pathway looks quite expertly installed..you're getting darned good at the hardscaping part of gardening as well as your plant artistry. How cool to have the trumpet lily taking a star turn now in mid Sept. I would imagine it has a wonderful fragrance...yes? Everything looks great and you've created a lot of fans for coleus 'Shiny Shoes'.
Thanks, Michaele. These photos are actually from the end of August/beginning of September, so that fabulous lily is now sporting seed pods. Lilium formosanum is not the most fragrant of lilies, but what it lacks in fragrance, it makes up for in gorgeousness, stature and late bloom time.
I know one is supposed to start with hardscaping first, but you have to strike when inspiration hits. I'm happy with the bluestone and I've planted some Viola Walteri 'Silver Gem' in the sand surrounding them and hope they take off.
Shiny Shoes is a real winner. Often I pick stinkers, so I really hit the jackpot with this one.
Yep, with coffee in hand I stroll along your garden paths with a smile. Good morning Tim and all GPODers. It was fun to see the surprises your garden offers this time of year. We just need to take the time to notice, right? In spite of this drought in central NY I have many plants thrive, surprisingly. Annuals are loving the sunny, warmer-than-normal September. My Persian Shield is the size of a small tree! Anyone have luck over wintering that? Also, has anyone had trouble with coleus this summer? Many of mine dampened off, much like impatiens did for a few years...
Thanks for posting Tim!
Good morning, Terie. We're having cool morning and blazing hot weather right now, and my wish is to stroll in the morning, coffee in hand instead of going to work!
Sorry about your drought! All the rain must be dropping in Ohio before it gets to you.
I've never grown Strobilanthes, but I love it.
Most of my coleus planted in the ground this year languished until late summer. Now they are finally looking good. I'm surprised yours had problems like dampening off; some of our garden surprises are *not* good!
Terie, I had the same issue with a couple of plants this year. The amazing thing is that both were planted in groupings of 3-4 of the same plant and only one died. I expected to lose the whole batch! I plant a lot of coleus in pots and this was a first. Tis a mystery.
Love seeing everyone's gardens! And I know it's going to be interesting when it's Tim's! I don't comment a lot here, but I always, always enjoy the garden tours!
Thanks, Brenda. GPOD is a fun community and a great resource for inspiration, isn't it?
It sure is, Tim!
Aaahhhh, Tim, a pleasant awakening this morning. I envy your version of a "tired" Summer garden, though I am very grateful today for the remnants of Tropical Storm Julia. I'm loving the rain & cloud cover, but am ecstatic at the brilliance of that 'Rising Sun' redbud - like a sun right in my office. I am always tempted to go pick up Gladiolous 'Boone' and may just have to give in now. And Coleus 'Shiny Shoes' definitely seems to live up to its name - love some dark foliage in the garden. Always a fan of of grass removal, and a great replacement with such a sharp bluestone walk. I have some more plans of my own this Fall. Looks great, buddy. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks, David. Glad you're getting some rain and relief. You won't regret 'Boone'. Fast multiplier and I believe it was 'discovered' in NC!
Rising Sun is still putting out some new foliage: probably because it is newly planted this past spring. I'll be anxious to see how it performs in the coming years.
Hey, Tim, it is always a pleasure to see your garden. I was excited to wake up this morning to GPOD. The racinus is great, but the poor hosta. Lack of rain this summer has been tough. How will you overwinter it? Collect seeds?
Love the cyclamen. I have killed cyclamen many times. Since we are in similar climates, any tips for success in my shady areas?
I am also a big fan of 'Shiny Shoes' coleus. Haven't seen that one locally. Will be on my list for next year.
'Rising Sun' cercis looks cool. Is the fall color also yellow? I added 'Ruby Falls' last fall, which is a purple weeping form that has been awesome so far.
Love the picture of the back shade garden. Awesome textures.
I fell in love with the mangave. I am beginning to run out of indoor space for all the cool plants I have to bring in in the winter.
Thanks again for brightening my day.
Thanks, Kevin. We've had plenty of rain this summer, but the heat has been extraordinary. My neighbor's fried hosta used to be shaded by our large cherry tree that had to be cut down. He's not bothered with it and eventually it will be shaded by Cercis canadensis 'Applacian Red' planted there. I've removed most of my hostas from that area.
I'm just crazy about the castor beans. My R. zanzibariensis probably won't have time to set seed. I have left over seed that might germinate next year, or I'll buy new. I LOVE it.
I have mixed success with hardy Cyclamen. C. coum freezes for me; C. hederifolium is touch and go for me. It likes dry shade in it's dormancy. The most success I had with it was under our large, white pine. They all died out when we lost the tree. Perhaps one of your conifers is limbed up enough that they would thrive there?
C. purpurascens is a woodland variety, so has been much easier for me in normal, shady garden conditions, although having said that, I have the christmas tree form right next to the silver leaf for and it has five leaves......
I don't know and did not look up the fall color of Rising Sun. I assume yellow, but time will tell!
Thanks, Tim. I have not tried C. Purpurascens before, and I love how it looks in your photo. Very robust. On my list to obtain.
Have you ordered from Urs Baltensperger at Eidelweiss Perennials in Oregon? He has great prices and great selection of Gentian and Cyclamen, among other things. Everything I have ordered is super big and super healthy.
Thanks for the tip, Tim. I often order from Plant Delights, but the plants are often very small with little root development. I usually have to keep them in a container for one growing season before moving to the garden. Will try Eidelweiss.
Tim, how large is your back garden? Is it all plants? Love that blue color that appears to be on a deck and handrails? What color is it?
I have a very small lot, maybe 50 feet wide by a little over 100 feet deep? I'm not sure. My front and side yards are entirely plants, the back yard has a pie-shaped section of weedy-grass. There's a long post on another blog that shows how the back yard has changed over the years and shows the entire thing, including the alley and power lines!
The front porch decking and trim are a custom color of dark green with blue undertones, mixed to match a storm door we bought for the front door.
The Rising Sun is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing your lovely garden!
I'm anxious for Rising Sun to thrive and to see it next spring when the entire little tree leafs out in those fabulous colors!
What a delight to be able to gaze at your end of season gardens, Tim! Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and my eyes are telling me that your gardens still have a lot of beautiful things going on in September! Of course, I just have to mention your Mangave Kaleidoscope, it's dreamy on it's own but when paired with the grass, the combo takes me over the moon! Do you overwinter the grass inside, too?
I was also taken with your addition of the pink toned Cryptanthus next to the Podophyllum difforme... a very unexpected pairing. It never occurred to me to plant those babies in the soil. I love it! I am SO stealing your ideas Mr. Vojt!
It was interesting to see your castor bean, the large green leaves are great. I use a dwarf red castor bean plant quite often in containers, but this year, mine was indeed true to it's description as being dwarf. Typically it is 4' tall by now, but this year it's a stretch to say that it's even 2' tall! Like you, I'm wondering if it's because I planted it a week or two later than normal?
I'm going to end this overly long reply by adding my name to the list of those that are enamored with your Cercis canadensis ' Rising Sun'. Love it!
Thanks, Sheila. xMagave Kaleidoscope is stellar and the color echo with the Imperata is quite accidental. That blood grass is really taking off now. I actually got the idea to put the grass in a blue pot from GPOD: who are the delightful people with the California garden full of Japanese maples? Anyway, the pot is not frost resistant, so even though the grass is hardy, it comes into my unheated mud room for some protection.
I stuck that Cryptanthus in a bare spot so I could use the pot in which is sat. Frankly, I was going to let it freeze, but it has performed so well that I might bring its little garish self back indoors for the winter.
My castor beans have really put on a ton of growth in the September. The unseasonable heat has certainly helped. They are much bigger now that in these photos.
I planted blood grass in a container this year for the first time and I love it! The pot is frost proof, but it is also my favorite pot, so I'm not sure I want to leave it exposed all winter. I have toyed with putting the plant in one of the gardens, but I know what a thug it can become... Such big decisions to be made quickly. Next week is tear down. Sigh!
As always Tim your garden is lovely. Even in the Fall there is lots to look at and admire. H
ere in the PNW the trees have turned early but the asters and rudibeckias are coming on strong.
Thanks, Catherine. It will be interesting to see if we get good fall color here. Nothing is turning here yet, as summer temperatures are continuing far too long!
So much fun to see more of Tim's garden and hear from so many GPOD friends. The Mangave is gorgeous and especially so with the grass. Love cyclamen and they actually do quite well here in the PNW. After the heat of summer, I too am enjoying the fall rains and cooler temps. Happy Fall everyone.
Thanks, Shirley. We're having another heat wave here in Ohio this week....But cool temps at night. I can imaging Cyclamen doing so much better in PNW: dry summers and warmish winters are right up their alley. Jealousy rears its ugly head again in me!
Hey Shirley - a while ago you asked me what a mozzie meant in Aussie lingo. I explained that it was our word for mosquito, but it was remiss of me not to attach a pic. of a road sign warning people that mozzies are around (and that they are big!!!!). Enjoy!
Hey what a fantastic chat today on the GPOD blog, Shirley. It really makes a difference when the authors join the conversation etc., especially when you have somebody knowledgeable and enthusiastic like Timmy involved (sorry Tim just testing the water - Aussies providing nick names is the ultimate compliment; hope you are not offended).
I missed the nickname because I was distracted by the giant Mosquito, Frank. I was Timmy as a child, and now at 55, several of my older sisters still refer to me as 'Timmy' and occasionally call me that.
That's amusing about Aussies providing nicknames as a compliment. It seems like a lot of nicknames Americans give are mean-spirited. At least in my circles, it's unusual for an adult to have a diminutive nickname, and often a nickname that is considered childish is used as an insult for an adult.
Not that I am insulted in the least. Just musing on cultural and local differences in customs.
Was just discussing culture collisions with friends last night. Americans *always* form ordered lines for things and it is really offensive to cut in line/skip the queue, but there are cultures in which one pushes and shoves and don't have that 'form a line' concept. That causes some flared tempers here!
Ye Gods!!! Really?
Always fun to see your garden, Tim, especially since you identify plants. That's a beautiful cyclamen that is new to me but we do have several other varieties and it's interesting to see where they'll pop up. Good job on the pavers. I like doing hardscape as it's more predictable than landscape. I'm not a big gladiolus fan but may have to give 'Boone' a try and love the "Rising Sun' redbud. Out here in the PNW it's definitely fall but with a little rain and cooler temps, the garden seems to have improved and the plant sales at the nurseries are great, so great, in fact, that we shopped 3 days in a row last weekend. The best find was a Polyspora longicarpa 'Full Moon'. Now you've given me several new things for the want list:).
Ok, Linda. You almost bested me. That is a superb, gorgeous, healthy little tree. I love it. I was surprised I that I had not heard of Polyspora before, and I thought the photo was a Stewartia or Franklinia: Aha-Polyspora used to be Gordonia. Love, love, love it. Thanks for the photo.
i have a little Gordlina that I hope survives the winter. Or maybe now it is Polylinia....
Florist glads perennialize in my garden and I liked them for cut flowers, but I've been yanking and composting by the handful. The tip and don't look good all season. I think you'll like 'Boone': much more refined and fits easily into any sunny border. Multiplies somewhat rapidly, too.
Three days of plant shopping? You're kiling me!! :)
Always a treat, Tim - Pavers look Amazing- More !!!! More !!! Rising sun ? Gorgeous....
Thanks! I wish I had more time to be outside enjoying it! :)
Hi Tim, late to the party but so glad I checked my email. Busy day but happy my Corylopsis spicata Gold Spring arrived and no time next two days, so ending the day hot and sweaty but so pleased to finally plant a shrub I've wanted for a long time. The cyclamen is gorgeous. Will have to try again with them.Tell me about the Cercis Rising Sun? Is it a good grower? I thought it turned chartreuse, but the older leaves are green. The pavers look great, hard work to remove sod! Boone is pretty and I assume hardy?
I'm excited for you and the Corylopsis. I just saw a photo of some amazing leaves from that shrub, but had forgotten you had found one. Kudos!
I planted Rising Sun just this spring, to replace a Japanese Maple that bit the dust. Lorraine really liked it at the local nursery, so we're giving it a go. It's settled in fairly well and that's about all I know about it. It's put on several flushes of growth this season, but I'm fairly certain that's because it is adjusting to its new home. It's not getting full sun, so I don't know how that affects the mature leaf color. It's acting like my Forest Pansy: intense color on new leaves and eventually fading to green.
I've heard rumors of 'Boone' being hardy to zone 5. I have mine scattered about the open garden and have had them for at least a decade. They came through the brutal winters a few seasons ago, unfazed by temps dropping to almost -20°F.
As usual when I view Garden Photo of the Day post, I quickly scroll down to the photos first and then go back to read what people writes. Today as I'm enjoying these gorgeous pictures i thought this garden is a little familiar, after thought for a few seconds I had a bet to myself, this must be my Facebook friend Cherry's friend, Tim's garden although there is no sign of repeated plants and photos from what I remember of your garden......so I went back to top of the post and found out that really is Tim's garden, then I jumped out of my bed that I was resting from a migraine with joy and started my comment.....you did it again, Tim, your garden is just full of personality, and I really like the way how you shoot those photos as well, so unique! Now I just realized my migraine is gone, thank you again for posting your enchanted garden, and I look forward to seeing them again soon! Take care!
Thanks so much, Cindy! I'm so sorry to hear about the migraine: I've never had them and hear they can be unbearable. Glad you got better and enjoyed the post. My garden definitely reflects my personality: moody, quirky and sometimes full of surprises. It's relatively small, but since it is a collector's garden, there's always something different on which to aim my iPhone camera!
Fantastic! Love the bluestone walk; I think it shows off the plants much better than a grass path. Tim's posts always send me to the plant catalogs. The cyclamen is going to have to go on the 'if I move further south' list but the the gladiolus will have to squeeze into my limited sun area.
Thanks so much. I'm really happy with the bluestone path. I'm definitely an evangelist for Gladiolus "Boone". It's slender profile really allows you to shoehorn it in, as long as it gets enough sun.
Drooling here Tim! That Kaleidoscope and Rising Sun are to die for! I wish we were neighbors. Thankful for the magic that the internet photos bring.
Being neighbors could be both fun and dangerous. I have a feeling that between the two of us, our planting efforts would escape our yards and overflow to unmanageable neighborhood proportions!
So many spectacular color and texture combinations! I enjoy seeing a number of plants unusual to me. After viewing your healthy looking podophyllum , I'm moving mine. Love that beautiful white lily with the green center.... do you get the Asiatic lily beetle? G. 'Boone" has unusual grace and elegance ; Rising Sun is gorgeous. Your paths, both old and new, look very inviting. Beautiful garden, Tim!
So kind of you, Jane. I'm always on the lookout for something new and unusual to try. We don't have the lily beetle here, which is great because I've added so many lilies recently. Do you have problems with them?
Oh, I just now saw your post Tim. What a treat to see your garden updates. Coleus shiny shoes and your new bluestone pavers own my heart! Well done!
Thanks, Kielian. It's always fun to change things up and share. Hope you are doing well and enjoying the now waning days.
All is well here, but a bit cold and rainy with a high of 56. The first day of autumn came in with a cold front so I've turned on the heat. Ahhhh, the specter of frost is looming
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