Garden Photo of the Day

Kelley’s Holiday Containers

Photo/Illustration: All photos courtesy of Marjorie Ames

Remember when we visited Marjorie Ames’s amazing condo garden in Ohio earlier this month? Today she’s back to show off a friend’s work!

She says, “I have an extremely good friend and partner in crime, Kelley Cali (don’t you love the name!), who put together these containers. She was not permitted to reuse her hayrack on her gate, so she purchased some Pamela Crawford cradles and ended up with a fabulous look! Kelley has a great eye, using items in unusual ways. All of the greens were free, making this relatively low cost. Kelley creates magic every holiday!”

Wow, those are stunning, Kelley! Thanks so much for sharing them with us, Marjorie. Happy Boxing Day, everyone!

——I know you all are feeling all lazy, sitting around the house after Christmas, goofing off…….So how about you go take a photographic stroll through the photos you took in your garden this year, and send some in to me! [email protected]….. Thanks!

Photo/Illustration: All photos courtesy of Marjorie Ames


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View 10 comments


  1. pattyspencer 12/26/2013

    Those are very pretty! Are those real fruit in those? Sweet!

  2. wGardens 12/26/2013

    What a grand seasonal entrance to the property!

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    meander_michaele 12/26/2013

    Those are absolutely sumptuous and fun. Love the addition of the reindeer (well, I'm calling it a reindeer in honor of the Christmas season) head...that was genius! Everything is in such perfect balance. Your friend, Kelley, must be a treasure to have as an idea bouncer for your own gardening ideas. Do you live very close in proximity?

  4. cwheat000 12/26/2013

    Gorgeous. So much better than anything you can buy. I know it is work to use real greens, but the results speak for themselves. To all that have the day off, enjoy vegetating in your PJ's, and exhaling.

  5. tractor1 12/26/2013

    Very attractive arrangements, and I love pomegranates (aka Chinese apples). And with all the green of the conifers one would never guess it's winter in Ohio.

  6. greengenes 12/26/2013

    Good morning! These are beautiful! I love the use of fruit instead of fake ornaments. And the use of cedar gives such a nice flow... The birds and raccoons here would totally consume it unless I used fake fruit. Looks great!A nice welcome. Thanks Kelly1 I wonder what you do for other holidays! Hm.....

  7. passinthru 12/26/2013

    So pretty and welcoming! Christmas tree-lots often let you take away trimmed branches for free. I completely loaded the back of my truck with free greenery last year. I also collect faux fruit whenever I find it at garage sales and thrift stores. The ones I like best are made of painted styrofoam, allowing a wooden skewer to be inserted easily into the base. They hold up well in covered outdoor locations, and look just like the real thing. I like the idea of inserting dried hydrangea as well. Thanks for sharing, Marjorie and Kelley!

  8. GrannyMay 12/26/2013

    Kelly your containers are perfectly beautiful! Thanks for sending the photos Marjorie!

  9. GrannyCC 12/26/2013

    Gorgeous containers. I also wondered if it was real fruit. If so the squirrels,birds and deer would have a great time around here.

  10. perenniallycrazy 12/29/2013

    Happy Holidays to all of the nicest gardeners in town and around the world!

    Chiming in late but wanted to thank Kelley and Marjorie for sharing these beautiful budget friendly and inspirational arrangements. I absolutely love how the twig reindeer adds whimsy to the entire arrangement. Wanted to know where Kelley sourced the reindeer head.


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