Garden Photo of the Day

Instagram Round Up

Follow @wmgardener on Instagram

It's Instagram time again! We picked some of our favorite images tagged with #FineGardening on Instagram, and hope you enjoy them! 

Have a garden you'd like to share? Please email 5-10 photos (and a brief story about your garden) to [email protected], or tag your photos on Instagram or Twitter with #FineGardening!

Whether you've never shared before or you've been featured multiple times, we want to see your garden! You don't have to be a professional garden photographer – check out our garden photography tips!

Do you receive the GPOD by email yet? Sign up here!

Follow @trowelandtrellis on Instagram

Follow @tiragreene on Instagram

Follow @stefaneemagill on Instagram

Follow @houseinbloom on Instagram

Follow @gardening_with_grace on Instagram

Follow @freshcutky on Instagram

Ok, we're a little biased on this one. Follow @gremilybee on Instagram

If you enjoyed these photos from Instagram, join in! If you don't have an account yet, it's easy to get started – you just need a smart phone. Tag your images with #FineGardening and your photo might show up on the GPOD.

Also, if you're not yet a subscriber to Fine Gardening Magazine, sign up here!

View 7 comments


  1. User avater
    meander_michaele 12/08/2015

    What a line up of beautiful pictures. I can well understand why each one caught your eye , Susan and made "the cut" so to speak. The super colorful outdoor winter container composition is a real Yowza and makes me feel extra impatient for some fledgling red twigged dogwood bushes to mature.

  2. greengenes 12/08/2015

    Good morning! Well these are all beautiful captures of this years fall and with touches of winter. Those red twig dogwood branches are beautiful! Thanks for the start of this day! We are having torrential rain right now..

    1. Meelianthus 12/08/2015

      Stay afloat Jeanne! this is a bad one so get out the water-wings. Take care ^_^ L.

  3. User avater
    gringopeligroso 12/08/2015

    Actually love the last photo, Susan! Been doin' a bit more of that myself these days, schemin' and dreamin' of what's to come!! ( least in my overly vivid imagination!!)
    Now, if'n we could just figure out HOW to transfer those perfect pix from our dreams to this post..........;-) !!

  4. LolaDilan 12/19/2021

    I subscribed to your Instagram page. You have very beautiful content, but so few followers and likes. If you are interested in promoting your page, then I recommend that you purchase Verified Social Media Accounts with real followers and actively use instagram algorithms and publish Reels. As practice shows, if you use all the promotion methods in combination, then your posts will quickly appear in the recommended list. Good luck.

  5. JannyPerpl 02/28/2022

    I recently posted all the photos and videos from my shows and fairs on Instagram and you know a lot of new clients have appeared. I took the page inexpensively with a ready real followers I arranged everything as it should. It is now very popular and profitable social media.

  6. JohnVillegas 09/28/2022

    That's a great idea to start your own business and depend on your business type. One of the most important factors is how to introduce my business for audience. how to build a strong connection into business and customer. I am using instagram accounts from for the business promotion which helps me find new customers.

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