Garden Photo of the Day

Garden Photos on Instagram

Follow on Instagram: @wmgardener

Do you have a smart phone? If so, join us on Instagram and share your gardening photos with us by using the hashtag #FineGardening. We might include your photo in our next Instagram Roundup!

Have a garden you'd like to share? Please email 5-10 photos (and a brief story about your garden) to [email protected], or tag your photos on Instagram or Twitter with #FineGardening!

Whether you've never shared before or you've been featured multiple times, we want to see your garden! You don't have to be a professional garden photographer – check out our garden photography tips!

Do you receive the GPOD by email yet? Sign up here!

Follow on Instagram: @sprucelandscaping

Follow on Instagram: @thegardenhistorians

Follow on Instagram: @hussonstudio

Follow on Instagram: @theplantcharmer

Follow on Instagram: @towerhillbg

View 15 comments


  1. jeffgoodearth 12/30/2015

    I really love photos of formal clipped box gardens in winter. I am the only person in the USA who does not have a smart phone. the toddler who works at Verizon said my phone should be in a museum

    1. Cenepk10 12/30/2015

      Hah ! No smart phone ? While we are all looking at our screens, falling in potholes- you're running circles around us planting up lusciousness.

    2. wGardens 12/30/2015

      Hmmmm.... well maybe the SECOND person!

    3. hontell 12/30/2015

      what's a smart phone?

    4. GrannyCC 12/30/2015

      Mine too!! I hate when people sit around and only looking at their phones and not joining in to the conversation!

  2. User avater
    meander_michaele 12/30/2015

    I remember visiting The Tower Hill Botanic Garden (represented by the last picture) back in the mid to late 80's. It was it's first year open to the public and all they had was the Cottage Garden and were in the process of building the large signature pergolas. It was certainly interesting just now to visit their website. Boy, have they come a long way!

  3. user-5357533 12/30/2015

    My favorite is the courtyard with the big pot of ornamental cabbage or kale and pansies. It just "feels" like fall - a little too chilly to go without a jacket. "Too chilly" is defined by where we live, I guess, under 70* being a tad cold here (10b, SoCal). Jeff, I'm waiting until I get to my "electronic lifetime" to figure out all the devices. I still have a flipphone and I'm constantly told, even by the company I pay for the thing, that I really need to upgrade. (Sigh).

    1. jeffgoodearth 12/30/2015

      they told me that I would LOVE the smartphone after I learned all about it but I really don't like using my brain for that kind of thing unless I have to

  4. annek 12/30/2015

    I visited each Instagram location and was wowed. I could spend my entire day following these sites. Great idea Fine Gardening!

  5. schatzi 12/30/2015

    Beautiful pictures. Love the snowdrop. Jeff, there are a lot of us dinosaurs out there. My husband and I have cell phones, the simplest we could find, and drive our daughter crazy
    by turning them on only when we want to use them. I refuse to be tied to a phone.

    1. jeffgoodearth 12/31/2015

      I keep telling people that I got it for MY convenience

  6. minnieelkins 12/24/2020

    Wow these all photos are really awesome and I visited your Instagram page too. You have uploaded many awesome pictures so that's why I suggest you to get trademark Instagram username to stay safe from copyright issues.

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  9. frahnkjones 11/17/2021

    Hi everyone! I really love your garden photos shared on Instagram. They are so beautiful and make me wish I had a garden of my own and if you need e signature help then just go to site for quality work. I hope you will share more photos with us in the future!

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