Garden Photo of the Day

A Happy Halloween from Garden Photo of the Day

Photo/Illustration: All photos courtesy of Pam Wittenberg

Happy Halloween, garden ghosts! We have a special treat today from Pam Wittenburg out in California, and I won’t be surprised if some of you start a new yearly tradition as a result… Pam says, “Every year we have a pumpkin toss from our deck and a pumpkin slingshot from our patio as a means of getting a little more enjoyment out of our Jack O’Lanterns as we return them to the garden.

Pumpkin in garden

“As a result, each year we have volunteer pumpkins and gourds that hybridize and surprise us with the varieties that appear. This year the ‘Cinderella’ pumpkin is true to form and is the biggest bully of the garden as it has climbed the shrubs and the arbor to make its way skyward. Some pruning and a pumpkin hammock here and there have helped some of the fruits along, while others have succumbed to the critters. Here are some pics of the volunteer crop this year, along with a few pics of the slingshots and pumpkin tosses of the past.”

So much fun, Pam!

Garden in Autumn

**** OK, people. Big scary Halloween statement here. There was a lot of drama in the comments for the last couple of days (no need to go back–I deleted it all.) From now on, if you don’t have nice things to say, DO NOT COMMENT. Unless a featured gardener asks for advice, DO NOT GIVE IT. This is a GARDENING BLOG. Bees, butterflies, and flowers, not meanness. Maybe it’s just Halloween making me this way, but I’m feeling like a monster today… ****

Garden in autumn
Pumpkin slingshot
Pumpkin slingshot
Pumpkins in garden
Pumpkin drop
Pumpkin slingshot
Pumpkin drop
Pumpkin in garden
Pumpkin slingshot

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View 27 comments


  1. wittyone 10/31/2013

    These are adorable. I love the way they are peeking out from unexpected places all helter skelter.

  2. bee1nine 10/31/2013

    All in FUN make these photo's of today a delight!
    Thanks for sharing Pam.:)

    HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone!!

  3. wGardens 10/31/2013

    Oh, what fun for all! A great initial day... then many more follow-up days from this project the next year to watch the fruits grow. Wonderful way to get kids involved and interested in gardening.

  4. mainer59 10/31/2013

    What fun! I do love pumpkins although they take up a lot of space. It is fun to see what self seeders will look like. What does your garden look like in other seasons? I see nice paths and some perennials and annuals so I think it isn't "just a pumpkin patch". Send more photos!

  5. Quiltingmamma 10/31/2013

    What fun! This is an easy and fun way of integrating vegetables into a floral garden - though, space is required. I agree that it is a great way to introduce gardening to kids. Thanks

  6. GardenGrl1 10/31/2013

    How fun! I love that the fun doesn't end with the pumpkin toss, it REALLY begins next spring, with the growing of unpredictable squash hybrids. Pumpkin surprises!

    Thank you for sharing, I wish my squash plants would grow as beautiful as yours! Too many squash bugs in my yard.


  7. flowerladydi 10/31/2013

    How Fun!!!! We are never too old to be kids,,,,and then there's the excitement of next year!!

    Fabulous!!! -:)

  8. User avater
    meander_michaele 10/31/2013

    Pam, how fabulous...your pictures have touched the inner child in all of us. Love the happy faces on all the youngsters who are getting to participate in the toss from years gone by.
    Your various sling arrangements are brilliant. These photos have made my day!

  9. tractor1 10/31/2013

    Charlie Brown's Great Pumpkin has nothing on Pam's Great Pumpkin Patch... gotta love those pumpkin hammocks by Soma! LOL

    Trick Or Treat!

  10. davsav 10/31/2013

    This looks like so much fun from beginning to end! This may be my new Grandma project for next year. Your garden is beautiful and fun.

    Michelle, Thanks for keeping our blog on a positive track.

  11. LFeliciGallant 10/31/2013

    Love the full life circle of this game. A teachable moment without being preachy. So. Much. Fun.

  12. user-7006902 10/31/2013

    Oh my gosh what FUN! Here in my town, we have started a Punkin' Chunkin Festival where people enter their own built trebuchets to chunk pumpkins in the river - it is one of the coolest things I have ever seen for reasons I can't explain. I like this personalized version! I love volunteer plants in the garden - yours is beautiful. Happy Halloween!

  13. hortiphila 10/31/2013

    Pam, What a wonderful, serendipitous, celebration!!!

  14. GrannyMay 10/31/2013

    Happy children, happy garden, Happy Halloween! Love it!

  15. sheila_schultz 10/31/2013

    I adore Halloween and I absolutely love every single thing about this post! Pam, you must be the most popular mom in the neighborhood... can I come over and play? Pleeeze?
    Have a Ghoulishly Fun Day folks!

  16. stitchinglady 10/31/2013

    Love, love, love this idea! Gathering my pumpkins and the neighborhood kids right now! Thanks Pam- bet your neighborhood kids love to come to your house on Halloween! Have a happy Halloween!

  17. mtngdnr 10/31/2013

    Pam, This is a terrific idea. My first grandchild is due any day. We'll begin this next season. Thank you for sharing what I think will be a great family tradition.

  18. ancientgardener 10/31/2013

    Love it! Now this is one good mom as I expect there is quite a lot of clean-up along with the delight of new seedlings. I love next year's garden with all the squash and pumpkins peeking through.

  19. n2hostas 10/31/2013

    Oh what fun, and good for the wildlife and fun to see what grows where next year.

  20. janeeliz 10/31/2013

    What a great idea! I want to join in all the fun! Happy Halloween all!

  21. PamWittenberg 10/31/2013

    Cleanup? Nonsense! A little raking here and there to get rid of the slipperiest goo and the rest is left to work its magic. I am currently eyeing a big heirloom pumpkin on my neighbor's front porch...hoping to steal a seed or two and see what we get next year. BTW, the behemoth pumpkin on the arbor weighed in at over 32 lbs when I harvested it!

  22. janetsfolly 10/31/2013

    Wow, Pam! You really know how to celebrate pumpkins! And Michelle is right, you've inspired many of us to adopt this exuberant tradition!

  23. sheila_schultz 10/31/2013

    Pam... I think I'm in love with your vision. Go for it!!!

  24. wildthyme 11/01/2013

    We do a pumpkin toss every year but I've never imagined the idea of a catapult! That just takes it up a BIG, BIG notch, and with your permission we may have to steal that idea from you! Ours get tossed into the compost pile, but so far I've not had any volunteers. I'm wondering if our Montana winters kill the seeds? Pam your garden makes me homesick for my old one in California. I'm so envious that you actually still have things blooming (let alone alive!) in November.

  25. thegardenlady 11/01/2013

    Great photos with the kids. You will treasure them for years to come, mark my words.

  26. cwheat000 11/01/2013

    Today's pics are a big smile producer.I think pumpkins are just about one of the most fun things to grow if you have kids. I love all the great varieties you produced. Just got home from trick or treating. It was fun to continue the holiday spirit.

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