Garden Photo of the Day

Garden in Winter photo contest WINNER!

Today’s photo is the overall winner of the Garden in Winter photo contest! It’s from member pennylph, a.k.a. Lynette Hall from Carmichael, California, who says, “I enjoy the beauty in the simplicity of nature and have recently reconnected to my love of photography.  My love of gardening started as a small child; a gift from my mother’s love, although I wouldn’t say I was enjoying it when required to complete the chore of weeding between long rows of vegetables before I could participate in other activities.  The gift paid off with my desire to create my own garden havens with each home.

Click here to enlarge this photo.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Lynette Hall

We recently moved to California from the Northwest.  Our California home was landscaped in the front with plantings and no lawn; good bones, but very overgrown.  I’ve had a lot of fun digging out and cutting back tired plants and reinvigorating the space with new plantings.  Its rewarding to hear neighbors tell me how much they enjoy it each time they drive or walk by.  And then there is the back yard. It was even more overgrown–to the point that you couldn’t even see structures.  We have cleared the space, except for the lawn, and are now finally ready to redo some of the structures before I get to start planting.

I came upon this leaf early in the morning. It was lying just as it is in the picture.  It was at our nearby park, which I think of as an extension of my garden.  It was like nature had staged it perfectly on the lawn, frosty, cast in the light of dawn.  I thought about how we cannot improve on the beauty and simplicity of nature.”

Thanks, Lynette, and congratulations! Lynette wins a $100 gift card from

Oh, and special thanks to Ruth Dobsevage, our senior web producer, who thought up and produced the contest – it was lots of fun!

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READER PHOTOS: We love featuring your photos, too. If you think you have a photo that we should share on the Garden Photo of the day, email us. Send hi-res images if possible. We’ll only respond if we plan to use your photo.

View 15 comments


  1. ncgardener 02/18/2011

    Seriously! Wow I thought the fairy rose in snow was awesome. I was expecting something with a little bit more "pow". No offense to the photographer it is a nice photo, but the winner! Really.......hmmmmm.

  2. jean1964 02/18/2011

    Not only is this an excellent photograph, your observation that "...we cannot improve on the beauty and simplicity of nature" is profound and speaks to the natural wonders that are always there, if we just "see" them.

  3. viktoriamullin 02/18/2011

    Only 6 people recommended? Sorry, not so many liked it so much to make a winner. Photo is beautiful, but where is the “Garden in Winter”?
    I guess this leaf could be taken anywhere on a street and not only in WINTER time.

  4. greekgal 02/18/2011

    Definitely a beautiful photograph, but, the picture capturing The Fairy rose was breathtaking. The leaf has nothing to do with gardening per se. You were all winners!

  5. Cmgah 02/18/2011

    Wow! I agree with ncgardener, there were so many others that showed the beauty of structure, shape and serenity in a winter scene. No disrespect to the photographer, but I am stunned that this would be picked as the was my least favorite and I thought rather boring. Big disappoint when I opened the email.

  6. lavendereyes 02/18/2011

    I think it is very nice photograph and your statement is profound, personally I love it...Im glad that it one first place.

  7. rion 02/18/2011

    I was very much looking forward to today's winning picture. The picture beautiful but I can't believe the judges picked this of all the pictures that we've seen. No offense to the winner but to the judges what a disappointment.

  8. viktoriamullin 02/18/2011

    Sorry I'm commenting again, not sure I made myself clear in my first post.
    To lavendereyes:
    Nobody says the photograph is not nice. It is nice. However, the photo contest is not “Frozen Plants,” the main theme is clear, it states: “Garden in Winter.”
    This frozen leaf can be taken in early spring, in late autumn, may be in winter and anywhere on a grass.
    As greekgal wrote: “The leaf has nothing to do with gardening per se.” Thus, here is a question: “why many users were spending their time to submit the photos exactly by the theme, if the point “Garden in Winter” wasn’t so much important for the photo contest at all?

  9. gardengal42 02/18/2011

    Not the best...I agree with the other gardeners (ncgardener) I am also in North Carolina. I am on my way to the garden now..

  10. user-7006879 02/18/2011

    It would make a great black and white pic.

  11. bettyland 02/18/2011

    I was anxiously awaiting to see the picture that won first place. It was disbelief when I saw it. I totally agree with the blogs posted with a negative review. My pick would have been Fairy in the Snow or Dreaming of Summer. The Judges let us down.

  12. sheilaschultz 02/18/2011

    WHOA! I got to this late today and I'm blown away by the comments. My mother always said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I agree. If everyone liked the same piece of art or the same garden just think about how boring our visual world would be.
    The theme for the photo was 'Garden in Winter.' This is a national magazine folks, and not everyone gets snow... but we all have gardens that change during this season.
    We are all entitled to our opinions, and personally, my first reaction when I saw this photo was that I was thrilled that Lynette reconnected to her love of photography. This photo definitely says 'winter' to my eyes.

  13. JShep51 02/18/2011


  14. TheJorgies 02/20/2011

    Sending our congratulations to Lynette for the winning photo :) I have to say I feel for Lynette, to have the joy of winning and then have it tainted by so many comments on poor judging. So I wholeheartedly say, Lynette your photo is very good and worthy of a prize, enjoy it!

  15. user-7006900 02/21/2011


    Excellent photo. The light is so dramatic, which is so much of the beauty in great photography. You captured a great winter moment. Congratulation!!

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