Garden Photo of the Day

Former Yugoslavia

By Alexandra Dittrich

How perfect is this entryway in Perast, Montenegro?

Michelle Siu shares her journey with us, and the unique places she stumbled across.

"In July 2016, we took a road trip through several countries that made up the former Yugoslavia.  Here are some of the pictures of this amazing trip."

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The courtyard in our hotel in Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina had roses, hydrangeas and kiwi vine (growing as a canopy to shade from the hot afternoon sun).

Right outside our hotel in Rovinj, Croatia.

Many of the medieval towns do not have a lot of space to garden but they do a lovely job with the limited space they have.  The pictures below were taken in the town of Groznjan, Croatia.

Well-tended tombstones in a graveyard behind a small church in the Julian Alps, Slovenia.

View 27 comments


  1. user-7007498 08/17/2016

    It is always fascinating to see photos from around the world. The floral displays on the tombstones are something I have never seen before, and were quite unexpected.

    1. frankgreenhalgh 08/17/2016

      Goodonya Kev. - quick off the mark today i.e. you weren't beating around the bush!!!!!!!!

      1. user-7007498 08/17/2016

        Not tonight, Frank. I had to be lightning fast to post ahead of you (at least once in a while). As I was typing my post, I kept looking up, expecting yours to "pop up" before I sent mine. Have a great day.

        1. frankgreenhalgh 08/17/2016

          I was flat chat typing the countries of the former Yugoslavia, Kev. My colleague is from Serbia, but I'm not familiar with the others. Happy dreams of gardening endeavours!

  2. frankgreenhalgh 08/17/2016

    Hi Michelle - Thanks for sharing your photos of your trip to Montenego, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Slovenia. Interesting use of plants/flowers to soften the old buildings etc. Love the stone pathways/roads (basalt pitchers) and notice how well the cemeteries are kept. Cheers, Frank

  3. User avater
    meander_michaele 08/17/2016

    In answer to the question teasingly asked under the first picture, "Sigh...perfect beyond words!" Your photos sent me off on some google searches, Michelle, because I didn't have a good sense of where the mentioned countries were located in Europe. Seeing the tall palm trees really piqued my curiosity. Looks like it was a fascinating and enriching trip.

  4. wGardens 08/17/2016

    Love the stonework with the flowers and foliage~ each accents the other. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

  5. NCYarden 08/17/2016

    Despite limited space, the plants are always such a sweet complement to the old stone work of the buildings. It's nice to see how they integrate into the spaces...and manage to thrive. Thanks for a little travel this morning.

  6. Quiltingmamma 08/17/2016

    These are lovely. Thanks for thinking to share them after a lovely vacation. I love the purposeful grave stone design to allow for gardening. I think my favourite, however, is the ivy covered staircase (despite the the possible impracticality of it)

  7. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 08/17/2016

    Beautiful photos. Really, really am enjoying them, since this is probably as close as I will get. I'm charmed. I love the fig tree that appears to be growing out of a crevice between the steps and the building!

  8. tree_ee 08/17/2016

    Old stones make the best background for plants, imo . . . more proof here!. (Stucco isn't bad, either.) Thanks for sending your photos, Michelle.

  9. sheila_schultz 08/17/2016

    Your trip looks like it was a wonderful adventure, Michelle. Medieval villages and towns always fascinate me and the beautiful plantings tucked in wherever possible creates visual magic! You were so lucky to be driving so you could actually stop wherever you wanted and take in the beauty of your surroundings! Thanks for sharing these photos, they confirm my desire to see more of Croatia and actually make it to Slovenia!

    1. User avater
      meander_michaele 08/17/2016

      I thought of you and your recent family trip, Sheila, when I saw these pictures.

      1. sheila_schultz 08/17/2016

        I do love to travel, Mike, and Frank's tourism piece above is incredibly enticing!!! Don't you think? It would be the first trip where a shark cage would have to be added to the packing list!

        1. frankgreenhalgh 08/17/2016

          Sorry about the Aussie humour Sheila - it really is very safe! - except for the odd croc. or two up in the Northern Territory!!!! That is why your destination of choice is Victoria in the south.

          1. sheila_schultz 08/17/2016

            I love your humor, Frank! Keep it coming!!!

    2. frankgreenhalgh 08/17/2016

      Hey Sheila - How about coming down under for your next O/S trip? There is nothing to be frightened of down here!!!!!!!!

      1. sheila_schultz 08/17/2016

        It's definitely on our bucket list, Frank! Is this poster from your tourism council? Ha!

        1. frankgreenhalgh 08/18/2016

          Tourism Australia would be appalled Sheila i.e. shooting ourselves in the foot!

  10. User avater
    user-7007816 08/17/2016

    Hi Michelle, We will be doing a cruise along the Adriatic Sea this fall. I'll be sure to look for the little niches of garden while we ashore. Thanks for sharing

  11. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 08/17/2016

    Michelle, thanks for your lovely photos this morning. This is a trip that's been on our list for awhile since our daughter-in-law is Serbian. Most of her family now live in Canada but they still have strong connections and miss their part of the world, changed as it is. Seeing your photos, I can certainly see why they miss it. That first photo looks like a painting.

  12. schatzi 08/17/2016

    Great photos - must have been a beautiful trip. Frank, Love the travel poster! But you got me with one comment - what's a mozzie?

    1. frankgreenhalgh 08/17/2016

      Mosquito, Shirley. FYI the Devil is the Tasmanian Devil (a carnivorous marsupial).

    2. frankgreenhalgh 08/17/2016

      Hey Shirley - this might help in the future!

      1. schatzi 08/18/2016

        Frank you are Ace! Thanks for the translation table. I knew 4 of them. We also use yewy but I had never seen it in print so would not have known how to spell it. Bloke, Oz and didgeridoo were the others I knew. Aussies are cool! (That's American slang that goes back to the 60's or so). Happy days, Mate!

  13. User avater
    Vel Rhodes 08/17/2016

    Hey Michelle, thanks for a trip down memory lane! Beautiful photos! My husband was born in a small community in Kapla in what is now known as Slovenia. In 1987 we visited much of the area now known as former Yugoslavia with Mostar being one of my favourites !

  14. Cenepk10 08/17/2016

    When I get planted- I'll take a little garden on top, please !!! How lovely !!!! Thank you for the vacation to Croatia !!!! Much obliged !!!!!

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