Lilian Ho from Vancouver, BC showcases her passion for purple plants.
"I garden for straight color and the shade of purple confused me a lot. Here is the purple bloom in my garden in the 2016 growing season. PS…I am encouraged by Kevin Kelly."
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Thank You, Awesome, Love the purple shades, my favourite colours purple with green.... looks amazing :)
Gorgeous selection of plants. Very cool you have a color scheme you do a good job of adhering to. That 'Multi Blue' clematis is loaded...I'm gonna have to have a talk with mine today, maybe show it this picture...shame it into more prolific blooming. Cool Daphne - I'll have to look into this one. Thank you for sharing.
Love all your purple shades and combinations. This seems to be my year to be attracted to shades of blue and purple, not only in flowers but in foliage. Gorgeous bearded iris and clematis vines. The snippets of the rest of your landscape that are visible thru the close ups look enticing. Perhaps you could share more pictures of your garden. Thanks for sharing.
Wonderful flowers and photos!
Lillian, always a pleasure to see your wonderful, floriferous garden. I think you've got purple wildly under control. Looks great. I especially love the photo of Kamantanishiki! Hope your gardening season is progressing well this year!
Thanks for sharing such beauty..
Good morning Lilian. You have some beautiful specimens and, wow your 'Multi Blue' is putting mine to shame, too, but it has many more buds this year so I'm hopeful. Do you follow throughout the summer with mostly purple, too? I guess without consciously trying, we have made our garden predominately blue. Thanks for sharing.
Good morning Linda! Thanks for your comments. Clematis are heavy feeders and I address them with compost manure every year and feed them with slow release rose or tomato food. I don't have a favorite color - love all color including green.
Absolutely beautiful! You can't beat blues and purple in the garden. And don't you love those double Primulas? I find the slugs don't like them as well as the single flowered ones, too. Yay! Beautiful, beautiful. Love it.
I grow all double Primulas in full sun so there are almost no slugs. They are all in bloom right now. I don't have a color preference and love all colors and shades including green. Here are Primula ‘April Rose’ & 'Quaker 'Sunshine Susie' . Thanks for your comments.

All beautiful!
Hi, Lilian, I am feeling some serious love for how stunning that combo of bearded iris and calla lily is in the first picture. The iris is so super frilly and contrasts so beautifully with the elegant simplicity of the lily. For some reason, it makes me think of a dazzling display of exquisitely decorated cupcakes. And, oh, my, that peony is gorgeous.
Lilian, your photos are all gorgeous, and I especially love the first photo - so enticing. You have done a beautiful job with your purples and accompanying shades and aren't those double primulas the greatest. I have never seen the purple Daphne, will have to look for that one. Always enjoy your garden pics, so much beauty! Thanks
Thanks for your comments and here is a better photo of Daphne 'Lawrence Crocker'. It is in bloom right now and has intense fragrance but it is a slow grower. This photo shows a five years old plant (about 1ft x 1 ft & 8" tall) - I got it in a 4" pot.
Just saw this one at the nursery recently. I love it!
Lilian, how long is your growing season?
Our growing season is about 9 months per year except this year (bit cold that cuts to 8 months - happens about every 15 years.) Our summer only have few days above 30 decree C. It is an ideal place for growing but is a plant disease heaven as well.
Lilian, some interesting combinations, but they work. Makes me want to be more adventurous with colors. Thanks for sharing.
Love it all. So Beautiful
Lilian, just home from work and had to comment on your awesome photos. Love the color. I am lusting over your clematis. Are most of the plants you are showing in your front garden, or are some in the sunken garden (which I just loved seeing in a prior post). Isn't purple just a heavenly color. It goes so well with everything. Well done.
Cold and rainy here in Harrisburg (high of 52). Just waiting for the warmth to arrive (and stay). Have a great day.
Hello Kevin, photos of Platycodon grandiflorus, clematis and compost bins are in the back yard. The rest of the plants (photos) are from the front yard - facing south-west. My sunken garden is in open shade and mostly are foliage plants and boxwood. Every color is heavenly! Thanks for your comments.
Ditto--ditto--ditto to all comments saying "beautiful!" Especially love the phlox foaming down over the wood edging.
And thank you for reminding me to feed my hungry clematis.
The plants spill over the wood edging are Aubrietas (blue & white) and the pink one is a winter flowering heather. Sorry I did not identify each plant. Thanks for you comments.
Love all your wonderful purple plants, Lilian, but especially your drop-dead gorgeous peony! Yes, my multi-blue is going to get a talking to,also.... plus some new compost and rose food. Yours is absolutely luscious! It is SO GOOD to be finally out in the garden again! Spring is the blue time in my garden-my favorite, but then I , too, love purple .
Wonderful displays of great plants! The clematis is awesome! And the purple Daphne... I NEED to look for that one! And! The Paeonia, oh, my. Another one to add to "the list"! :-) !!
So glad you shared your passion for purple!
What a pretty prolific prime and passionately purple garden Lilian! That Kevin Kelly is a really good (bad) influence. We thank him.
Thanks for you comments. Diane. Sorry I did not identify each plant and miss leading you. There is no phlox and they are Aubrietas (blue & white) and the pink one is a winter flowering heather.
Thanks everyone for your comments. Spring is finally here and have a great garden year and hope to see your gardens soon at this post which I read every morning and every post with joy. Learn a lot of English through gardening.
Purple is my favorite color in the garden, too, Lilian, and yours is stunning. Your clematis is gorgeous, and I love that "bursting at the seams" peony! Thanks for sharing your garden photos.
Wow! Stunning plant combinations. Your photography and robust looking plants are top notch. I love the blue iris with the white Calla lily, a unique combo.
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