Garden Photo of the Day

Formal with a touch of curves

A fountain garden designed by Deborah Silver in Michigan.
Photo/Illustration: Brandi Spade

Here’s a beautiful, geometric bed designed by Deborah Silver near Detroit, Michigan. Deborah contructed the fountain out of galvanized, acid-washed steel. The formal garden that surrounds it mirrors its style and shape perfectly. There are no curves in the structure of this garden, but its rigidity is softened by the sperical shapes of both the plants and the movable garden art. The plants surrouding the fountain include golden Scotch moss (Sagina subulata ‘Aurea’, USDA Hardiness Zones 4-7), a trailing variegated plectranthus (Plectranthus cv.,  Zones 10-11), white-flowering New Guinea impatiens (Impatiens cv., annual), and ‘Green Gem’ boxwood (Buxus ‘Green Gem’, 6-9).

Click here to enlarge this photo.
Photo/Illustration: Brandi Spade


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View 12 comments


  1. MzSweetpea 02/24/2011

    Love the symentry, container's all of where can I do this in my garden? Thinking.....thinking....I will be all day on this......

  2. Deanneart 02/24/2011

    Very, very nice!

  3. ncgardener 02/24/2011

    Wow, I was thinking the same thing when I saw it. My garden has more of a country eclectic style in the back but I wonder if I could try it in the front yard. I love the pop of color and layers. Hmmmm, where oh where shall I try this?

  4. Chiots_Run 02/24/2011

    I love the fountain, with the white and green garden, very soothing indeed. This would be so fab in the middle of a walkway with a path around it. HM, I'm wondering how I could pull this off in my tiny garden on a smaller scale.

  5. Topiary 02/24/2011

    Love this arrangement! Does anyone know what kind of plants are at the very back of the second photo? I'm looking for a tall, very narrow (small yard too) plant to increase privacy.

  6. user-7006895 02/24/2011

    I know someone who just moved into a house with a funky old hottub in the yard that doesn't work anymore and this makes me think she could repurpose it in the garden.

  7. Laura_W 02/24/2011

    I love a green garden! Can you please provide source or more info on that great fountain?

  8. CanadianFarmgirl 02/24/2011

    Having the plantings on the outside of the boxwood is fresh and pretty.

  9. PeonyFan 02/24/2011

    Great garden, great photos! I love the lattice ball in the background of one of the photos. Source?

  10. Brandi_S 02/24/2011

    PeonyFan and Laura_W - Both the sphere and the fountain were designed by Deborah Silver. You can purchase the steel sphere finished in acid wash patina from her shop, Detroit Garden Works (if you click on Deborah's name in the original post, it will take you directly to her site). I believe the fountain was created specifically for this garden, but you can always contact her for more info. She also operates the sister companies, Deborah Silver and Co. and Branch.

  11. www_fear1star_com 02/24/2011

    very well done. gave me some great ideas. keep up the good work

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