Garden Photo of the Day

Expressions of Early Fall

By: Kim Charles

John Markowski, from New Jersey (Zone 6B), shares the summer to fall transition with us, focusing on the perennials and ornamental grasses that dominate his garden.

Additionally, here is a link to his new book: "Perennials Through the Seasons".

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View 22 comments


  1. Sunshine111 09/20/2017

    Ahhh! The splendor of a fall garden! Thank you John ?

  2. Jay_Sifford 09/20/2017

    Lovely textures and light play!

  3. User avater
    treasuresmom 09/20/2017

    John, is that Helenium in the first pic?

  4. User avater
    meander_michaele 09/20/2017

    Your gardens are such a sublimely beautiful combination of plants... that all seemed to have agreed that the fall season is when they want to look their best. Is that a red gallardia ( or maybe a helenium like treasures mom suggested) nestling up in amongst the hydrangea in the first picture? Anyway, definitely a match made in heaven. I always enjoy your fall sharings, John...they inspire us all.

  5. jagardener 09/20/2017

    Really interesting use of ornamental grasses. The light through them is just wonderful. Thanks

  6. Chris_N 09/20/2017

    Much as I hate to admit it, fall is here. Thanks for your wonderful photos, John.

  7. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 09/20/2017

    Congrats on the book, John, and of course your autumn garden looks great. It's exploding with texture!

  8. sheila_schultz 09/20/2017

    I'm guessing all you had to do was look to your own gardens for inspiration when writing this new book! Congratulations, John! I'm guessing you have a chapter dedicated to texture in the gardens, you do it so well.

  9. user-6536305 09/20/2017

    Thanks for sharing John. Will check your book.

  10. btucker9675 09/20/2017

    This is why I miss gardening in NJ so much! Beautiful use of grasses, I can imagine the movement when there's a nice breeze.

  11. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 09/20/2017

    Hi John, great fall photos. You inspired me to add more grasses to the landscape and the local bunnies thank you. I've finally moved them to pots out of their reach. The combo in the first photo is especially appealing.

  12. NCYarden 09/20/2017

    Cool cool cool. If you're gonna have grass, I believe this is the preference. Thanks for sharing.

  13. mhebb 09/20/2017

    Really like the textures and colors in these photos. This is what makes fall so special and so different from other times of year. And the light in some of these pictures is lovely as well. Thanks so much for sharing these, John.

  14. perenniallycrazy 09/20/2017

    Congratulations on your book! You are undoubtedly the king of texture. Sheila is the queen. Can't wait to see your book and love every photo you've shared today.

  15. christianesterges 09/20/2017

    gorgeous pics !!

  16. 2bakeornot2bake 09/20/2017

    Lovely, what type of hydrangea is in the first photo?

  17. Cenepk10 09/20/2017

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Harlequin Glory Bower in bloom !!!! I wasgiven one this spring- Mine hasn't bloomed yet. So fun to see !!!!

  18. Cenepk10 09/20/2017

    Nevermind... see its not... thought that 1st pic was a glorybower. Now I see it's a hydrangea & zinnias?

  19. tennisluv 09/21/2017

    John, Nice fall colors and use of textures. Thanks to you and other gardeners in this blog. I am now adding ornamental grasses in my beds. Did a search on your book; it sounds lovely and quite comprehensive. Congratulations on getting it published and available to us.

  20. nancy_royal 09/21/2017

    Great pictures. What kind of grass is that in the 4th picture? I've never seen it before and I love the seed heads on it.

  21. Maggieat11 09/23/2017

    Wonderful photos and use of grasses! Would love to see more photos!
    Congratulations on your new book. I look forward to checking it out!

  22. chris_buscemi 10/01/2017

    Beautiful gardens John. Love the grasses and Amsonia. Such a delight for the eye with your choices of textures and forms. Love to see your book. What is the name of it?

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