Garden Photo of the Day

Ebony’s Favorite Succulents

A collection of living sculptures

close up of trailing succulent with pink-tipped leaves

I’m Ebony, and I’m from southwestern Louisiana. I’ve been growing succulents for nearly six years, and it’s been such a great hobby for me. I’m a wife, mom, and pharmacist, and caring for my succulents has given me an outlet to relieve stress and care for myself. Here are some of my favorite photos of my plants.

green succulent with an orange flower amongst shelves of succulentsAs if the leaves weren’t perfect enough, a single orange bloom opening puts this little Echeveria ‘Lola’ over the top.

close up of Echeveria with red-tipped leavesSucculent leaves are often compared to flowers, but usually they aren’t as colorful. Echeveria ‘Red Velvet’ gives blooms a run for their money with bright red patterns on the leaves.

gardener holding a variegated aloe plantThis very healthy Aloe selection has thick green leaves lightly streaked with yellow variegation.

close up of Echeveria chihuahuaensisEcheveria chihuahuaensis, as the name suggests, is native to Mexico. The silvery color on the leaves, called “farina,” evolved to protect the plant from the intense desert sun. We gardeners get to enjoy just how beautiful it is.

close up of pale pink succulentThe exact pattern on the leaves changes with the seasons, but Graptopetalum paraguayense (aka ghost plant) is always an incredibly beautiful plant. It is easy to grow as well.

close up of tiny cactus with large spinesEbony grows a few cacti along with the other succulents. While most succulents adapt to dry climates by storing water in their thickened leaves, cacti skip the leaves altogether and store leaves in their thickened stems.

variegated blue-green Echeveria

The leaves on this Echeveria ‘Blue Surprise Variegated’ are so beautiful and delicately patterned that it almost looks like they were painted with watercolors. The normal blue-green color of ‘Blue Surprise’ is mixed with soft peachy-yellows in this variegated version.

small aloe plant with table full of potted succulents behindAn aloe forms a magnificent living sculpture.

close up of trailing succulent with pink-tipped leaves

This stunning succulent, × Graptosedum ‘Francesco Baldi’, is a hybrid between Graptopetalum paraguayense and Sedum pachyphyllum—and is the result ever stunning, with leaves blushing a brilliant shade of pink.

If you want to see more of Ebony’s beautiful succulents (and some funny videos about life as a plant lover!), check out her Instagram: @cherishyourroots


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  1. User avater
    simplesue 04/29/2024

    I love succulents, you have a healthy and pretty collection, and I love your Graptopetalum paraguayense, so beautiful!

  2. nicki_s 04/29/2024

    I am in awe! I had no idea succulents could be so beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  3. katherine_8 04/29/2024

    Hello from Ontario, Canada :)
    Beautiful and unique collection of these special often-ignored plants.

  4. btucker9675 04/29/2024

    Also a big succulents fan - love your collection!

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