Garden Photo of the Day

Doris’s California Garden

A lush garden full of beauty

garden full of foliage

Today we’re off to Antioch, California, to visit with Doris.

garden full of foliageA little garden structure peaks out of the lush plantings, encouraging you to explore.

lush garden in northern californiaFormal, straight-edged garden beds are the perfect counterpoint to the lush plantings, giving the whole garden a sense of order and calm.

fall foliage in northern californiaEven in California you can have beautiful fall color on the trees—though for those of us in colder climates, the green tree laden with citrus fruits next to it is a bit of a surprise!

red and yellow foliage tree in a gardenRed and yellow fall leaves rain down over the garden.

big bunch of red and yellow flowersHere the red-and-yellow color scheme comes not from foliage but from a brilliant array of flowers, no doubt favorites of the local hummingbirds.

orchids hanging from a wallWhat an interesting way to display orchids! Pots with hooks create a wall of colorful flowers, while the structure overhead provides the bright shade that these orchids (Phalaenopsis hybrids) need to thrive. It looks like the orchids are growing in pots that are just set down inside the hanging containers, meaning it would be easy to move them around to highlight those in peak bloom.

steps down to a gardenThe steps down into the garden, wrapped in lush greenery, are like a magical tunnel into another world!


Have a garden you’d like to share?

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View 7 comments


  1. PattyLouise 03/19/2021

    Beautiful happy garden! Love the orchid room!

  2. alicefleurkens 03/19/2021

    Its always Nice to see what people in other areas have that we cant grow here in South western Ontario. Very nice

  3. User avater
    simplesue 03/19/2021

    I never would have guessed that your garden was in the USA- it looks like a tropical island garden!!!!
    It's always interesting to see what plants and designs other gardeners choose and what a unique style they arrive at.
    Very pretty!

  4. User avater
    treasuresmom 03/19/2021

    Oh, my, packed with color! Just wow!

  5. Catasetumkid 03/19/2021

    Love the hot color garden! The orchid room is terrific, and I do see a Calanthe there, along with the Phalaenopsis, too, I think? I would love to see how well I could grow my orchids in California!

  6. dorispsb 03/20/2021

    thanks. I really enjoy my garden. I keep on adding plants weekly. Springtime is my favorite season in my garden. Tulips are blooming.

  7. AlexanderCameron 01/19/2022

    I think it is fantastic. I love the way she has combined the red, orange, and yellow flowers. And the way she has grown her vegetables in front is brilliant. She clearly knows what she's doing. She also loves to read articles like because she finds religious teachings in them and also practice those teachings in practical life to gain respect and love.

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