
Dig Small Holes Easily With This Serrated Trowel

Fine Gardening – Issue 205
Comfort Grip Soil Scoop from Garden Work
Photo: courtesy of Shelley Powell

The Comfort Grip Soil Scoop from Garden Works isn’t just for scooping soil, although it does an admir­able job of that when faced with compacted bags of potting mix. It’s also great for digging in less-than-ideal conditions. The sharp point helps get the hole started, and the serrated edges do a fast job of cutting through dense soil. It’s perfect for making planting holes for small plants and bulbs. The cup of the trowel is deep and curved on the sides, so you won’t spill as much soil as you would with a traditional trowel. Fortunately, the ergonomic handle also comes in one of many bright colors, making it much easier to find when you set it down in the garden.

—Shelley Powell and her husband, Jason, own and manage Petals from the Past, a garden center in Jemison, Alabama. 


Price: $25

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