Garden Photo of the Day

Dave’s water feature garden in Colorado (Day 2 of 2 in David’s garden)

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of David Karst

Welcome to day #2 in David Karst’s garden in Colorado. Yesterday, a few people were intrigued by the large rock in the last photo (1st photo today.) Today we take a closer look.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of David Karst

David says, “The large water feature in the front yard was completed last year and features a 3-ton rock. The reservoir is underground so I let the fountain run year round which results in a great ice show in the winter. It’s also dramatic at night as there are lights under the waterfall. The plantings are still maturing but still put on a good show and have been designed for four season interest.”

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of David Karst

I can’t even imagine what king of equipment it took to put that rock in place, David, but it was definitely worth it! Thanks so much for sharing.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of David Karst

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of David Karst
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of David Karst
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of David Karst

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View 12 comments


  1. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 11/07/2012

    Definite case of stone-envy! The path through the miscanthus is great, too.

  2. User avater
    meander_michaele 11/07/2012

    Your water feature must be an eye catcher all year long esp. with the grasses making their contribution to visual interest. I'll bet you don't even mind weeding in the bed surrounding your waterfall rock so you can enjoy it up close and personal!

  3. cwrosten 11/07/2012

    I hope David will send photos of the ice show later this winter.

  4. siesperanza 11/07/2012

    Wow.... your garden gives new meaning to "rock gardening".

  5. tractor1 11/07/2012

    Water spewing from that boulder of epic proportions is very biblical, the neighbors must think Cecil B. DeMille lives there, or at least Charlton Heston. That sort of waterscaping is a bit too much Hollywood kitsch for my taste. From the road that monolith is an outragious way to gain a little privacy, I'd have planted a bush. I know I will receive flak but I must say that rock with water gushing from it planted in the front yard the goulish way it is (a la Disney) to me evokes a pyschosis. Sorry, but that's how I see it... I almost expect Tony Curtis shepherding goats and tootling a flute to emerge from behind that rock. LOL

  6. sheila_schultz 11/07/2012

    The kids in your neighborhood both large and small must have all been outside watching the install of the 'Big Mama' boulder! Was it 'craned' in?

  7. bsavage 11/07/2012

    I LOVE your rock water feature! There is nothing 'Disney-ish' about it as tractor1 writes... it is excellent use of nature's bounty and accents your home and yard beautifully! We also live in Colorado, and we also have a lovely rock waterfall water feature in our front yard... using local natural materials to create a unique focal point and peaceful feature is a great way to work withour beautiful surroundings. Well done!

  8. greenthumblonde 11/07/2012

    Great water feature! Well done.

  9. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 11/07/2012

    I have a suggestion....I love the water feature, especially the view with the spruce in the background, and the rock gardens from yesterday too. It may feel different onsite, but in the photos the gorgeous rock border seems to garrison the water feature and separates it from the landscape. What if those stones were repurposed elsewhere, or artfully integrated into the water feature and among the plants (as is already done) like a talus slope, and leave a clean edge at the lawn so it integrates? Just a thought. I think the yard is great.

  10. greengrowler 11/07/2012

    OOPS...posted on yesterday's photo instead of today....take a look back David! Spectacular fountain! Love today's variety of grasses in full fall color - do I see the dancing seed heads of a 'Blonde Ambition' in today's group?

  11. TeriCA 11/07/2012

    I'm hoping also for some winter pictures of the ice show! Have to completely disagree with Tractor1, no Disney-esque, or "gHouslishness" about this garden. However I really liked Vojt's suggestion the gorgeous rock border separates it from the front yard. Open the view of that beautiful 3 ton rock and the water flow from it!! All would be in proportion to your yard! You've done a wonderful job! :)

  12. Rocker_Dave 11/08/2012

    Thanks to Michelle for posting and all you fellow garden lovers who've viewed and commented on my landscaping the last two days. I was travelling yesterday and not able to respond to the comments on yesterdays pictures so will try to cover all comments/questions from both days. I'll be happy to send pictures of the other parts of the yard not yet featured and future pictures of these areas as plants mature, new ideas develop and the seasons change - including pictures of the ice show this winter. The water feature was installed last summer so have had experienced only one winter show, but with melting, freezing and changing light conditions the view changes constantly. We don't usually have protracted cold spells in Fort Collins but a couple times last winter it got cold enough that the ice formed a complete shell over the water with the running waterfall visible underneath. At night the lights illuminate the ice and the moving water. Yesterday someone asked about the planning process for my rock work. Normally I use down time in the the winter to scheme, dream, design, draw plans and budget time and money for the next project. The front yard water feature was at least 2 years coming to fruition as it was a major investment in time and money. The monolith itself was a slight departure from my original design but when the rock yard brought it to their yard from their local quarry in the foothills I knew immediately it was what I wanted. The project included removal of a 50' tree where the rock now stands(in some of the pictures you can see a log bench overlooking the rock which was created from a section of that tree), renting a backhoe to dig out the stump and a hole for the reservoir which is a 250 gallon water tank, and having the rock placed using a wheel loader. All the other rock was hand placed. The monolith stands 5' high, is 4x4' wide and weighs 6,000 lbs and though the pictures may not reflect it is in scale with the 50'+ trees surrounding it. Placement is not meant to add privacy as tractor1 comments, but rather to add a focal point to the yard and add the sound and view of running water from not only the street view but from inside the house and front porch. It's also designed for low maintenance with the rock surrounding the feature functioning as a splash guard to deflect the water back into the reservoir. Inside of the border are screens covered with large river rock to catch leaves and other sediment from getting into the tank. As suggested by one of the comments it was a neighborhood event when the rock was placed and the work was completed. My "assistant" on the project was a 6 year old neighbor girl who came over almost every day to ask if she could help. It's definitely a conversation piece not only among the neighbors and visitors who they bring over on a regular basis but to my mailman who says seeing it on his route makes his day. In my opinion landscaping is about doing what makes you happy and I love both the creative process and the end result. Dave

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