Garden Photo of the Day

Contrast warm and cool colors

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Photo/Illustration: Steve Silk

Eye-pleasing plant combinations can be based on something as simple as the contrast between a warm color and a cool one. In this vignette from Maxine Rowan’s garden in Eugene, Oregon, the coral pastels of a Dr. Salter’s Hybrid Alstroemeria seem more vibrant alongside the blue spikes of Veronica ‘Sunny Borders Blue’.

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View 2 comments


  1. Stoatley 06/03/2010

    Very fetching. I don't believe I've ever seen alstromeria outside of a flower shop. Is it hard to grow?

  2. arboretum 06/06/2010

    maxine, I love that color combo. And count on you lucky PNW gardeners to be able to have veronicas grow as tall as your alstros! You might get a kick out of a z.5 vine rendition of that color pairing:

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